TallSilhouette said:
It doesn't. Tenpenny treating CJ like crap wasn't even played for laughs. He was literally the main villain of the whole game.
3D GTA has always been US-centric and George Floyd's murder sparked the biggest protest in decades. Releasing a cops and robbers game mode right in the wake of that would probably be poor taste, like adding a kamikaze mode to GTA3 right after 9/11. Now that I think about it, wasn't flying heavily reduced in that game in response to 9/11? This isn't exactly new then and undermines 3 as some paragon of anticensorship.
There's nothing saying it can't be, but people have been asking for a female protagonist in GTA since 5 was announced. There's nothing wrong with fulfilling that request. |
I know, but no one really batted an eyes when that happened even when it wasn't for laughs, but if a White guy is being a villain to a Black guy then it suddenly matters to those types of ppl on Twitter.
Yes but ppl have to remember that GTA is a video game. We still have games featuring Nazis, and I think we all here know which was bigger than the Floyd case, and yet we're still seeing games with nazis in them.
C&C Red Alert 2 had a level/CGI cancelled because it featured the two towers in them, and that was a legit reason to cancel because that event involved an attack on US soil and more than one person.
yes, but we can still have a female protag and switch between two other characters. I've seen different ppl who liked Trevor and different ppl who liked Michael and so on. There were even folks in the twitter section that stated they didn't want to play as a girl, and while I don't mind playing either (like I don't mind TR or Horizon ZD), I can understand why some don't vibe with that.
They should just give ppl the option to switch instead of trying to enforce a movement they think will earn them brownie points with one regional community.
Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.