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TallSilhouette said:
JEMC said:

You have to keep in mind that humor and satire aren't the same thing either, and that if you aren't allowed to make humor about a theme, you're stepping into censorship and against freedom of speech.

Where does it say they aren't allowed to joke about certain topics? All I see is a mention that they removed some transphobic jokes from GTAV. You can make jokes about being trans or whatever else so long as you do them well. That often comes down to whether said jokes come from a place of love or cruelty.

Indeed, it doesn't say that there won't be jokes... but will the most vocal people, those that get offended easily and in behalf of others, understand that jokes are jokes, no matter the theme, and let it go?

Personally, I don't have enough faith in this society to believe that.

TallSilhouette said:
JEMC said:

That's the saddest part of this. Political correctness is utter bullsh!t. It's a term, probably brought by an adviser from a polititian, that simply means lie to everybody telling them what they want to hear so they'll vote for you.

And yet, instead of reporting and shaming it, it has spread like aon oil spill that has reached every part of our society, to a point where if you aren't politically correct, by the definition of some group of another, then you're a thread for the society.

It's sad how simple and stupid we, as a society, can actually be.

Political correctness is indeed bullshit in that it's a ginned up term by conservative media to silence criticism. Same thing with the 'sjw' craze of some years ago and the whining about 'wokeism' now. It gets repackaged whenever the current term gets stale but it's all the same principle of ignoring criticism you don't want to listen to. This can straight up turn into doublethink when people act like not taking potshots at trans people is fascism when that completely ignores the history of basically every actual fascist regime we've ever seen.

Well, you'll agree with me that some of the new criticisms are nonsense, right?

That's the problem with this whole situation, that it's impossible to split into different topics and realities because neither group wants to, and that causes troubles because both sides have rights and wrongs.

Please excuse my bad English.

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