Captain_Yuri said: What I dislike about the recent trend of female protags is how game devs and hollywood is general feels like they forgot how to make female protags. Like we had this era of great female protags that weren't just sexist Mary Sues. Like you look at Tomb Raider reboot back in 2013. That game felt insane because it really made the Lara feel vulnerable. These days it's like, I need no man cause I got plot armour types of nonsense. Now Rockstar has had well written female characters but I really hope they don't go down the usual dumb route of "I hate all men" nonsense. But we will see. Personally I don't care if it's a female or a male as long as the character is written well. But it feels like game devs forgot how to produce a well written female character in the fear of SJWs. I just hope Rockstar doesn't fall into that trend but I wouldn't be surprised if they do considering their new direction. |
Yes, exactly.
Where are my Sarah Connors, my Ellen Ripley's?. Those were badass women who started off helpless at first, but my god did those gals earn their way to becoming the badasses we know them as today.
All we get now are Rays and Captain Marvels, heroines that didn't earn their power, were just handed it on a silver platter and suddenly they get to call the shots and make the jokes by default, with no reasoning as to how they get to.
Hell, even Sylvanas changed for the worse, and half the community sees her now as a mary sue (myself included), compared to how she started out and where she was in Legion.
I felt like the TR reboot gave lara more depth to her character. I just don't get why these new female protags are somehow allowed to skip the hard earned lessons of earning that power and respect.
Gonna be honest with you, if they mentioned "new female protag" and "we've cleaned up our act" in the same paragraph, then chances are high that the new female protag is gonna be all "I hate men" kind of vibe. Saints Row devs seem happy to piss all over the previous fanbase and focus on zoomers/college debt type players, I'm sure as hell R* is all in for doing that (they seem perfectly happy letting RDR 2 online economy rot in hell).
Corps just need to stop hiring wannabe writers who are just JW's in disguise, wanting to abuse the platform to push their own toxic and shitty narratives that don't make any sense.
Like who is really gonna care for the new SR protags, when they are completely blank slates, turn to crime because they have college-type debts, none of that even makes sense, and even if they tried to cement that concept irl, it wouldn't even make sense in reality, because resorting to crime over college debt is lunatic levels of stupid (and not the "haha, it's SR so it's funny", kind of stupid").
Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.