I'm sure that every PC gamer knows about Logitech, and that most of us have used one of their products, either a keyboard or a mouse. Well, say goodbyt to Logitech
Logitech loses the tech with new Logi brand
Say goodbye to the old Logitech, say hello to the new Logi.
Little did we know, but since 2013 the folks running computer peripherals maker Logitech have been working "behind the scenes to reinvent the company, shaking things up culturally and through its product innovation." To reflect those changes and a shift to a more design-centric attitude, it's now rolling out a new logo and new brand.
"Logitech has undergone huge changes, so we've created an identity that is an expression of who we are today and who we will be moving forward," said Alastair Curtis, chief design officer at Logitech. "A company transformation of this magnitude should come with an equally bold transformation of its brand."
Don't expect the Logitech brand to be retired any time soon; it's going to stick around for a while, with the new logo you see below. But in the coming months you'll see the Logi label on select new products in existing categories, as well as new categories the company will be expanding into.
These are the new logos

I don't know about you, but I find this change ridiculous and for the worse.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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