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Steam stats for July are available:

79.70% of the PCs in the hardware survey are now DX11-compatible, next month 80% should be reached. If we assume that the average growth of Steam accounts since February has stayed at 5 million per month (so the same growth rate as between October and February), the number of Steam users with Maxwell GPUs (750/ti+960+970+980) has improved from 7.6 million to 11.4 million within the last 3 months, a gain of 3.8 million. The Radeon R7/R9-200-series gained another 0.4 million units in these 3 months, so 4.2 million gain together.

For comparison:  in the last quarter 3.0 million PS4 consoles, 1.4 million Xbox consoles (XBO+360) and 0.47 million Wii U consoles were shipped.

GTX 970 and GTX 960 gained again the biggest shares in July, the GT 740 is now individually listed (0.30% share are needed for that). GTX 980 Ti, R7 300-series, R9 300-series and R9 Fury series still haven't gained that much, so they are hidden in "others" for now... perhaps next month.