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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony explains why PS Plus is required for PS4 online play

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as a principle I think it's pretty shady to lock away part of a game people payed for behind a paywall

things could be "fairer" if games atleast came with a 1-2 month ps+/xbl gold pass, so that you "only" need to buy a game a month/all 2 month to have online multiplayer for the full year

that said, personally I'm a big fan of the "instant game collection" feature of the PS+ and already have paid till 2015, so ..

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A shame they went this route too.

SwansVanTerif said:
happydolphin said:
I can't stand the double-standards. People here will accept it, after Live took the heat for years over its subscription model.

I was going to get a PS4 until I found out about this. I haven't had LIVE this whole generation, and I hate the fact that I have to pay extra to play a game I already bought, so I don't do it.

And if you want to talk about double standards, try digging up old threads about this, when it was just rumors. 99% of the posts says it's unaccptable if Sony would do this ... now look at all the apologists.

Maybe its possible they  are being reasonable knowing that the costs of keepoing up a giant online network service like PSN cant be sustained without additional revenue.  And now see why Microsoft did it for years with the Xbox.  I dont really see a bunch of people cheering for this decision, just people who understand the business decision that had to be made.   

SwansVanTerif said:
Sony talking down to their customers? What a shocker.

Talking down to their customers?  Lol I don't see it sorry. 

Vetteman94 said:
SwansVanTerif said:
happydolphin said:
I can't stand the double-standards. People here will accept it, after Live took the heat for years over its subscription model.

I was going to get a PS4 until I found out about this. I haven't had LIVE this whole generation, and I hate the fact that I have to pay extra to play a game I already bought, so I don't do it.

And if you want to talk about double standards, try digging up old threads about this, when it was just rumors. 99% of the posts says it's unaccptable if Sony would do this ... now look at all the apologists.

Maybe its possible they  are being reasonable now that Sony does it knowing that the costs of keepoing up a giant online network service like PSN cant be sustained without additional revenue.  And now see why Microsoft did it for years with the Xbox.  I dont really see a bunch of people cheering for this decision, just people who understand the business decision that had to be made.   


Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

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I'm not happy about having to pay for online but then looking at the games I buy, there aren't that many that I'd miss. I'm losing faith in online gameplay, it's either too stressful or filled with noobs/spammers.

Anyway, back on subject, it's just online play and the other PSPlus features I don't already pay for that I'll be missing and doesn't seem much of a loss, however if I end up paying for it, I won't mind as long as it's worth it. There are many features on XBLive that PSN didn't have and I didn't care because I wasn't paying. A paid for service should always be better than a free one. Paying for PS+ would just mean it has to be better and with the investment they have made, then it's understandable they would be charging. Maybe later on when profits are good, they might lower the cost to get more people in.

Hmm, pie.

Chandler said:
Vetteman94 said:
SwansVanTerif said:
happydolphin said:
I can't stand the double-standards. People here will accept it, after Live took the heat for years over its subscription model.

I was going to get a PS4 until I found out about this. I haven't had LIVE this whole generation, and I hate the fact that I have to pay extra to play a game I already bought, so I don't do it.

And if you want to talk about double standards, try digging up old threads about this, when it was just rumors. 99% of the posts says it's unaccptable if Sony would do this ... now look at all the apologists.

Maybe its possible they  are being reasonable now that Sony does it knowing that the costs of keepoing up a giant online network service like PSN cant be sustained without additional revenue.  And now see why Microsoft did it for years with the Xbox.  I dont really see a bunch of people cheering for this decision, just people who understand the business decision that had to be made.   

Fixed base on how my skewed mind sees things. 


Carl2291 said:
As someone who has never even looked at a PS Plus subscription, I never knew it was cheaper than Live.


In the 2 years i have had it I have gotton red dead redemtion, uncharted 3, deus ex, CoD (dont remember witch), vanquish, king of figthers, street fighter 4,  xcom, infamoun 1 and 2, little big planet 1 and 2, all for those 100 dollar i payed and was able to but did not download, demos soul, saint row the third, a call or duty, many other AAA i dont remember or care about and many many indy games.


I think is completely worth the price.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

happydolphin said:
I can't stand the double-standards. People here will accept it, after Live took the heat for years over its subscription model.

As far as i know none of the PS fans are happy about this. So what double standards are you talking about?

PS fans used free online mp as a pro against the 360 in its own right. That won't apply to PS4 - Xbone.

Theres also the argument of PS Plus being a ridiculously good deal...especially the free games catalogue which so far MS has not matched. At the end of the day that was a great service when it was optional but now that it is mandatory for online play, they better make it worth it.

Edit: This thread is also a good example of how wrong you are about "double standards". As you can see no one in the thread is for the paywall....this has been the general sentiment on the site among Sony fans.

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happydolphin said:
I can't stand the double-standards. People here will accept it, after Live took the heat for years over its subscription model.

Well PS+ is worth it without the multiplayer, so right now is added value, note that everything else (netflix, amazon) does not require ps+, so this is not the same as XBL gold. 

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!