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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Best Game Console of All Time?

PS1, because of FFVII.

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wii and ds!!! its only a fact!!!

SNES hands down. Childhood nostalgia....

Brawl FC: 4382-1668-1880

Animal Crossing City Folk

FC: 2492-8227-9090           Town: McAwesom          Name: Gary

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1. NES
2. ps2
3. WII

(the wii isn't nex-gen. IT'S NEW-GEN!!!! Ps2 ROCKS!!! without nes THERE WOULD BE NIO PS2 OR WII!!!!!!)

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius

1. N64
2. PS2

Btw, why is this thread in the Nintendo section?

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NES. By a lot.

In Memoriam RVW Jr.

SSBB Friend Code = 5455-9050-8670 (PM me if you add so I can add you!) 

Tetris Party Friend Code = 116129046416 (ditto)

1) PS3
2) 360
3) PS2
4) PS1
5) PSP

Really the choices are:


With those options, I choose...


And no, I'm not being premature. My reasoning is based on the Virtual Console. This one console, in addition to playing Wii games, will eventually allow gamers to play the entire Nintendo library, as well as classics from other companies covering the last 20 years of gaming.

Now there's an opinion-drawing question... Taking a step back, I'd have to say the NES wins on the overall level. The video game industry would not be here and would not have evolved the way it has if not for it. On a more personal level, the PS1 gets big kudos for drawing me back into console gaming after having lapsed for just short of a decade. And on the most recent scale of the current contending hardware, the Wii's definitely pulling ahead thanks to it being a bit of everything in the best possible way a game system can be: it's a bit of many consoles released before it thanks to Virtual Console offerings, and a whole new something of its own with its unique control setup.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

SNES. Though, if I could, I think I'd put the PC over it, cause it started it all and is alive today. Gotta give props to Nintendo though, 119 years is impressive.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception