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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox changed its timeline cover on Facebook. Resulting in this...

it's a sad situation MS has put themselves into, and very childish for those posting. it's not that serious. just don't buy the products. it's that simple.

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Imaginedvl said:

Hope you are kidding by thinking those people are not mainly Sony fans. Of course they are...
Just look at this site and the signature of the "majority" of people bashing at Microsoft or laughing at this Facebook page...

You're missing the fact that not every Xbox360 owner a huge Microsoft fan that will eat up everything MS gives them. They are vocal because they don't like it and they want Microsoft to change some of their policies. Simple, really.

Conegamer said:
That is just ridiculous. I feel sorry for MS, they don't deserve this.

I feel MS deserves it, but the Xbox 360 fans don't.

Kantor said:
Kind of juvenile, but also pretty hilarious.

I do have to wonder why they Liked the Xbox page in the first place, though.

It's pretty meaningless. I liked Sony's and PlayStation's pages.

brendude13 said:
Conegamer said:
That is just ridiculous. I feel sorry for MS, they don't deserve this.

I feel MS deserves it, but the Xbox 360 fans don't.

I'll miss the good ol Xbox brand. 

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It's funny and pretty childish, but it does have a serious side to it.

At the moment MS is getting all kinds of crap, some because it should and some that it shouldn't. But if they are not careful the whole debate becomes like a rallying call and just gets worse and worse. They need to think about their next move carefully imho and start spending some of that cash on some PR people who can do the job.

As it leaks into Facebook/twitter, more and more people are hearing about the console in a negative light, and I'm afraid any news isnt good news when you have to plumped down $500. I'm not sure what they can do really, backtrack, change their policies... or spend more money on big exclusives, or just get a clear picture. But they have 3-4 months to sort this out.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

How long before they turn off the comments.

Lost it at the two last comments xD

But that's one sad bunch nonetheless. If they don't like the product they might as well just fucking ignore it.

if case anyone didn't click the link i'll show you want you missed..

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..just wow. holy crap and wow.

Well, I wouldn't feel sorry for Microsoft, this is the route they've chosen and they seem to be happy with it (in some cases oblivious to certain issues). But this is the nature of the internet and the fanboy wars, I feel those that are genuinely disappointed in the X1 that were 360 owners/xbox fans don't really relish in this sort of thing because they're actually upset/disappointed. Therefore, the majority of this whining doesn't matter, because it isn't from people that were never going to buy an X1 anyway.