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Forums - Gaming Discussion - “You’re all being played” Bleszinski slams Sony’s lack of used game blockers as a PR tactic

iron_megalith said:
osed125 said:

Cliff being a douchebag aside, I wonder how many devs think the same way? Or even more importantly how many publishers think the same way...

Or rather how many publishers would wanna risk being shot in the face by the backlash happening to MS right now.

I have the feeling that they won't get the flamebait. If EA comes out with "offline passes" or something like that, MS will be the target, people will say "This is MS fault for supporting DRM and blah blah", and while EA will get some hate, I can warranty it will not be as bad as MS.

Besides, if EA comes with some sort of DRM for their games across all consoles that would mean that in order for you to play the next Mass Effect, you would have to suck it up and do whatever EA wants you to do. A brand name is much more powerful than DRM, companies know this and they will take advantage of it.

Just my theory.

Nintendo and PC gamer

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enditall727 said:
Angelus said:
It's amazing to me that people here are just allowed to post things like "wow, what a dumbfuck" without getting banned, or at least some kind of warning. I'm pretty sure if this was said towards a member on this forum it would warrant action, but because it's not, and basically "behind a guy's back" it's ok?

Whether or not you agree with what Cliff is saying......the amount of disrespectful people here on this site.......just wow. I guess you people show your true colours whenever you get to talk about someone not a part of this site.

And now we have this


Basically people clamoring for new restrictions


You people are killing me with this sh!t..

Ah yes......the restriction of being required to behave oneself in a mature manner.

What an awful imposition 

tiffac said:
I think Jim Sterling of Destructoid already made some good counter points against what Cliffy is saying.

You mean the one where he said that everybody should be like Call of Duty?
His argument was to be like CoD and don't invest heavily in the game itself, therefore the budgets don't go through the roof and you are profitable.

Things he forgot:

1st: higher budgets mean better visuals, better audio, better storytelling... let's face it a better game (I know there are smaller games that were fantastic, but these are the exception and not the rule)

2nd: He totally forgot about CoD marketing budget, which has already increased to a crazy level

3rd: there is a connection between marketing, quality and sales.

4th: Would there be an incentive to buy new hardware if there were no games that push the technical limits?

5th: It is not like some developers did not try it that way. And most of them are dead now... (Bizarre, THQ, Zipper etc)

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

we know Cliff is Sont bias.

Jereel Hunter said:
ArnoldRimmer said:
My personal impression so far is that Sony simply leaves the question of DRM up to the developers/publishers.

Meaning yes, there may be games with DRM on PS4, but there is no console enforced DRM like on Xbone.

So if it was true that AAA titles and used games cannot coexist (I doubt it), then the game publishers can address these problems themselves. In which case we can only hope that people just won't buy the game.

Gamer entitlement seems to be at an all-time high. Hope people won't buy a game because it doesn't allow used copies? Guess what? AAA games cost WAY more to make than average titles, and yet, they still only cost $60. Do people get more play time out of Halo's and CoD's, on average, than on soem shovelware that cost a fraction as much to make? yes. And under a "no used game system", you essentially pay slightly more for that priviledge, the full cost of the disc, instead of the cost of the disc minus trade in value.

For some reason, gamers will compare games to other property ("It's mine, I should be allowed to resell it!") when it comes to used copies, but oh no, it's totally different when it comes to PAYING for it. If a company put out a AAA title and charged $100 because it cost more to make, then gamers would boycott it for charging too much. Suddenly it's not like other property - costing 5x as much to make doesnt' justify an increase in price.

Guess what? Gamers also complain when all their favorite developers get gobbled up by EA and Activision, and then are forced to pump out franchise installments every 18 months, but take no responsibility for the fact that the little guys can't survive in a world where consumers have no flexibility.

I agree we're a spoiled group. We'll cry at changes that will challenge the old ways

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Cliff Bleszinski

You cannot have game and marketing budgets this high while also having used and rental games existing. The numbers do NOT work people.

WTF is wrong with the industry when thoughts like that are presumed as normal? When I buy a game it's MY property, and I can do with it as I please!

didn't sony and MS both said it will be pretty much up to developers to implement their rules ????

no when you buy a game it's not your property by definition you just bought one copyright of the said piece.... that should be transferable I agree but you don't own anything else than a single copyright license...

then again lets agree with your argument... then what about dev pricing their games based on production cost.... like cars.... would you be willing to pay 120 bucks or more for GoW, GTA, ME...

The best quality games do not correlate to huge budgets. Generic game series like Call of Duty, Final Fantasy, Grand Theft Auto, Gears of War, Halo, etc will sell regardless if there is a used game market or not. Banning second hand games will in the long run kill off the small and independent game developers who can not compete with the big guys with their big budget popular franchises. If one person buys a second hand game he may buy the sequel at full price and he will tell his social network about the game. Big popular game franchises almost as famous Mcdonalds and Coca Cola will sell lots of games due to their huge budgets and war chests to advertise and promote the games. 

I love Cliff as a creative and personality but hes rich and talented developer who is in with the fat cats in the industry now. He no longer understands people.

60x 5.5million= 330,000,000....which is probably an average for what Gears of War makes. 

In conlusion...STFU've retired and Epic has more than made their money back ontop of what MS pays them for exclusivity. STFU!

I love you...but you're still a greedy fuck and you're in bed with the worst of them if this is the bullshit you're going to pull.

That franchise has definitely left Epic in the billion dollar profit arena when you include DLC, games, merch and more. STFU!