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Jereel Hunter said:
ArnoldRimmer said:
My personal impression so far is that Sony simply leaves the question of DRM up to the developers/publishers.

Meaning yes, there may be games with DRM on PS4, but there is no console enforced DRM like on Xbone.

So if it was true that AAA titles and used games cannot coexist (I doubt it), then the game publishers can address these problems themselves. In which case we can only hope that people just won't buy the game.

Gamer entitlement seems to be at an all-time high. Hope people won't buy a game because it doesn't allow used copies? Guess what? AAA games cost WAY more to make than average titles, and yet, they still only cost $60. Do people get more play time out of Halo's and CoD's, on average, than on soem shovelware that cost a fraction as much to make? yes. And under a "no used game system", you essentially pay slightly more for that priviledge, the full cost of the disc, instead of the cost of the disc minus trade in value.

For some reason, gamers will compare games to other property ("It's mine, I should be allowed to resell it!") when it comes to used copies, but oh no, it's totally different when it comes to PAYING for it. If a company put out a AAA title and charged $100 because it cost more to make, then gamers would boycott it for charging too much. Suddenly it's not like other property - costing 5x as much to make doesnt' justify an increase in price.

Guess what? Gamers also complain when all their favorite developers get gobbled up by EA and Activision, and then are forced to pump out franchise installments every 18 months, but take no responsibility for the fact that the little guys can't survive in a world where consumers have no flexibility.

I agree we're a spoiled group. We'll cry at changes that will challenge the old ways