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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Mario 3D World mutliplayer gameplay videos


How are excited are you for the multiplayer? 1-5

5: Flabbergasted! 10 25.00%
4: Happy 12 30.00%
3: unsure 9 22.50%
2: disappointed 2 5.00%
1: ... DO NOT WANT 3 7.50%
Survey says! 4 10.00%


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It will most likely not have online mp so don't get your hopes up man

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

It's not gonna be online co-op. The mario gameplay is too responsive for it to work.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

Looks like a blast, and I can't wait to try it out for myself (hopefully tomorrow!). Man, everything I see about this game just screams fun. Gonna be a treat. ^_^

Er... I mean... uh... something something ashamed something lazy.

I doubt we'll get Online Multi-player. So don't hype yourself up, as you can see the damage that does... *Cough* this game looks awesome, not lazy *Cough*

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Inb4 Lucas-Rio: This looks amazingly fun *_*

Day-1 with three friends and lots of beer...

Maybe if Nintendo had the power of the cloud the online would be seamless.

Anyone else impressed with the water graphics in that dinosaur level?

Smeags said:
Looks like a blast, and I can't wait to try it out for myself (hopefully tomorrow!). Man, everything I see about this game just screams fun. Gonna be a treat. ^_^

What I really mean is, Nintendo is skipping out on giving us a truly revolutionary 3D world to explore akin to the experience we had with SM64. They should really be ashamed for doing such a cash-in instead of trying to go above and beyond. What lazy, complacent developers.

Hey, you said it, not me.

wfz said:

Hey, you said it, not me.

That's what too high of expectations do to us. They make us believe that good things are just lazy.

Just because it isn't the follow up everyone wanted doesn't mean it's bad. Nor does it mean Nintendo won't make an actual Galaxy like game...

I think it looks pretty impressive. Can't wait to try it out.

Shame it's so lazy, though. Nintendo could have done something much better...or something like that.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.