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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The NES is far more powerful and fun to play than the PS3.

wenlan said:
I think this PS3 commercial is brilliant. It is one of the best TV ad I have seen recently and I like it a lot.

The song "Ladies and Gentlemen" by Saliva was released in 2006, way before Sony launched this TV commercial.

"Ladies and gentlemen good evening
You’ve seen that seeing is believing
Your ears and your eyes will be bleeding
Please check to see if you’re still breathing"

Yes, some of the lyrics may be slightly disturbing to some people. But the main target of this TV commercial was young male adults and I don't think the lyrics is that unacceptable. Overall, I think this song was an excellent choice for this TV ad campaign for PS3.

Seems like a lot of you have never heard of this commercial. Is it true (then I am really surprised)? Or you just want to bash whatever related to Playstation?

Eh the same thing happened when the commercials were first posted here... since a lot of people here live in, not the united states, it's not inconceivable.

Me, I think it's a perfetly fine commercial, but a poor commercial for the PS3. As anyone in advertising will tell you, different companies run differnt adds.

Coke runs differnt adds then Pepsi who run different adds then 7up. Mc Donalds runs different adds then Burger king who runs differnt adds then Sonic.

This if a decent add, but the problem is... it's a refrence add. It's a market leader reminder "hey remember we're number 1 add." Which isn't the proper add to be running when your in 3rd place because it's not informative enough. That add is going to mean nothing to people who have no idea what those games are. Not even most PS2 owners are going to know what's going on in those commercials.

The only people who are going to know are already people who have a PS3 or people who are already looking really hard at a PS3. Pretty much the only people who see it as a good commercial are the people who already have a PS3 or already want a PS3.

In a couple years when the PS3 moves ahead of 360, sure... but right now... it's just bad timing for an add like this. You need more individually focused explanitory adds to draw people in. Instead of a "Hey guys who already want this system buy it already" commercial.

Maybe it's because they want to hit their shipping goals. If so hopefully they'll switch to a more appropriate and likely way more effective add campaign after the end of Q4.  Otherwise they may spur short term sales in america only to sacrifice much more numerous future sales.

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Jessman said:
PS3's adds are horrible... every single one of them... Wii and Xbox 360 have decent ads

 the uncharted ones were good (in the UK), where they just showed up some of the gameplay, although they did muck it up a bit at the end when they had somelike drake talk about this is living and all that rubish

VAMP said:
The amount of hate on this thread is unreal.

 Indeed, we should have brought thr peacepipe VAMP!

Btw; Spidey FTW!!  

Words Of Wisdom said:

Anyone else find it slightly disturbing that commercial says that your ears and eyes will be bleeding as you play?

Actually, I thought that European PS3 commercial poster earlier was more disturbing. I was like WTF is this???? when watching that. I don't care what the product is, but I would not want to buy it after seeing that freaky commercial! I don't know how they could come up with anything worse than that...

That Nintendo commercial was pretty funny though. I think I might have actually seen that one back in the day, haha.

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

The PS3 commercials are some of the best ever made for a video game console. Stop being newbs. That ad is one of the best i've ever seen. A lot better than the "Wii would like to play with you..." garbage that Nintendo puts out. NES and PS3 are both AMAZING systems. NES was amazing when I was a kid, and now PS3 is amazing now that i'm an adult.

Around the Network
Xiru said:
The PS3 commercials are some of the best ever made for a video game console. Stop being newbs. That ad is one of the best i've ever seen. A lot better than the "Wii would like to play with you..." garbage that Nintendo puts out. NES and PS3 are both AMAZING systems. NES was amazing when I was a kid, and now PS3 is amazing now that i'm an adult.

Someone obviously doesn't know what an opinion is. What kind of an adult are you?! :O

Naraku_Diabolos said:
Username2324 said:

AHAHAHAH, So your saying, even though the commercial says it starts at $399, and I can pick one up at Walmart for $399, thats a lie? LOL. Obviously you like to live in your little cartoon fantasy world, and if you honestly enjoy watching Nascar, HA! So, your saying, if you were to go shooting, you'd go hunting, but your against killing, well bro, I have your solution, PLAY A SHOOTING GAME there's no real killing! ITS THE PERFECT SOLUTION! You my friend, are one crazy a$$ hippy, have fun destroying cartoon characters. Why do you even own a console, shouldnt you been out there swimming with the dolphins? Come on man, they are lonely! And those tree's need huggin! Can't forget those, or maybe you could go to the pond and feed the ducks? What about them? Or you know what, I'm sure there is some oil spill somewhere for you to clean up, don't want them penguins dying!

You crack me up, you like Nascar, are against killing a GAME unless of course its a cartoon character, then your perfectly fine with it. What is the world coming to?

P.S. Does nintendo explain WHY the Wii is at $250 when it only costs them $150 to make? WHY don't they tell you that your getting screwed over?

No, the commercial is a lie because they leave out all the features the 40GB has; 2 USB ports, some SD slots or whatever, and Backwards Compatibility (you have to find that out for yourself either by checking online or looking at the box).

I never said I LIKE Nascar; I said you can watch Nascar on TV without having to play a racing game. Isn't that real enough than GT5? I also gave shooting games as an example because I'm against killing. I hate war and fighting. I can say the same thing about your Halos, your Resistances, your KillZones, your Hazes etc. because it's the same thing with a different coating of paint on it; you pick up a gun and shoot an opponent. Big whoop. So easy that Paris Hilton's dog, Tinkerbell, could've done it to itself.

I had Metroid before (a friend gave me it as a birthday present), but I sold it to the store for money. Why? I get motion sick. I'm not buying a video game and playing it on my HDTV, especially on an HD console. That's one reason I don't own an HD is because the clarity makes me motion sick. Even my GCN and Wii games make me motion sick at times because I own a component cable.

And the Wii is a console meant for fun and fun only. It's not to show off your money and make a pretty picture. The Wii was meant for interaction with the gamer, friends/family and the game. The Wii has Nintendo mascots on it, something that Sony nor Microsoft have at all. You go play your Resistance game and tell me when you lose some weight. Obviously that game requires you to sit on your ass and play. And if the Wii is a fad, then how is this fad creaming the competition and hasn't died down one bit? How is it that your company (Sony) is in the red and has stripped itself from what it once was? Why is it that Nintendo has surpassed Sony in gaining marketshare? You go tell yourself why you own a console that doesn't have any good games out on the market, let alone some delayed franchises and some people in the world don't have the slightest clue about because it doesn't appeal to them. Sony and Microsoft are a dying breed when it comes to their systems strengths; hell, my computer is more powerful than your PS3, so you fail.

300GB HDD, Nvidia GeForce 8800GT, 4GB RAM and Windows Vista Ultimate >>>>>>> PS

 In the Wii ads do they tell you your getting a 5 year old processor? Or how about the Gamecube GPU overclocked? Do they tell you anything about the Wii specs? No, your argument about advertising fails.

Watching something is nothing like being a part of it, and for those who can't get into nascar but want to be able to play a game like it, thats what the game is for. Obviously your against all games that are life-like, but the second Pokemon comes on the screen your all for it. The PS3 has 100+ games, Sony had profit last quarter, let me ask you this, what else is your Wii good for? Can you enjoy a HD movie on it? How about listen to music while browsing the web on it? Can you plug any kind of USB toy into it and have it work? Can you keep a ton of music, and movies on it? How downloading demos, movie trailers, game trailers? I didnt think so, if you think swinging your arm is exercise you need a reality check. How about your computer, what kinds of games are on it, the exact same as on 360 and PS3, so why would you care? And you neglected to post your Processor, why because it is probably inferior to that of the 360 and PS3, how about the price of your computer, well over $1500 I'm sure. Like I said, your against all life-like games, that's why you like Nintendo. Apparently you don't have any real concept about games, you don't understand the different genres, all that matters to you is that at the end of the day, Pikachu is on the screen.

Good thing I missed this thread.

But to sum it up:

Sony's Ads for the PS3 are great. They actually show the games (Which when it launched, they had the commercials be really abstract and not make a point), and they tout the Blu-Ray player in it, which, since it's essentially won the war, is another good selling point. They also point out the PlayStation Network as it is growing and evolving, especially with the help of Home. I rather like the commercials, as they show why the PS3 is such a good console, among other things.

In comparison to other commercials:

I haven't really seen a lot of XBOX 360 ones, at least not as much as Ninty and Sony, but the last one I saw was of Guitar Hero 3 on XBOX 360 but that sold more on the PS2, so I don't know how much that one helped... Nintendo's commercials are really plain, but to the point to. Here is our first-party game. Play it. It is good. Which are all true, but the whole "Wii (We) would like to play" pun is getting quite old. But a problem with Nintendo's commercials is that you don't see any third party commercials showcasing a game and the Wii (Except Tomb Raider, but that game bombed big time). But I do applaud Nintendo for getting right to the point in the commercial, the game. No music or anything, just play our game, and it hits the point home extremly well.

@ Avinash_Tyagi

I have a slight bone to pick with you... matter of fact two.

First, Sony has targeted it's audience as the "hardcore", but they also have targeted the casual with the blu-ray commercials. And as HD penetration rates are increasing, and the number of HD players (Read: Blu-Ray Players) increase, the PS3 being the cheapest one will definetly help them with the "casual".

Second, we don't yet know if Killzone will or will not deliver. But the E3 showing, while it wasn't the 2005 E3 beautiful, was still stunning, and as long as the gameplay is as good as Guerilla would want us to believe, I do think that that game will deliver on all of their promises.

Kytiara said:
Username2324 said:
Naraku_Diabolos said:
finalsquall said:
Meh!!! you ps3 haters. You don't appreciate anything about the ps3. Even I appreciate the effort Nintendo does. All you wii fans regurgitate other peoples opinions. The Ps3 ad is fine. It shows consumers what to expect. People who understand the commercial understand they are going to have fun in the ps3 universe. GO play you wii like good little girls. The song rox btw.... What you want a little lullaby to help put you to sleep. Bah!!!

Meh, I don't hate the PS3. The system is fine; they market it wrong and don't go for what consumers want out of gaming. That's fun, interaction and innovation out of gaming and the consumers. The system sells to a niche; not the mass market. The way X360 and PS3 are advertised is only to the niche, which is hardcore, and it's a dying breed of gamers.

NONE of the PS3's games appeal to me, except for FFXIII, and that's not even out yet. And the PS3 ads are FALSE ADVERTISEMENTS. How so? "PS3, starting at $399." L-I-E; they don't mention WHY the system is that price, due to stripped out parts, features and lack of BC.

And the consumers are going to suspect that the PS3 is going to explode and levitate like it does in the commercials? No one wants a system with shooting or racing; there's enough violence in the world and you can watch NASCAR on TV. Plus Sony doesn't have any family-friendly games on the PS3 and no major mascots that are as famous as Disney or Warner Bros. characters. If I were to go shooting, I would go hunting, but I'm against killing wildlife (I'm trying to get a major in Marine Biology and wildlife conservation).

And thanks, I'll enjoy my Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, Endless Ocean, Wii Sports, Sonic & Mario Olympic Games, Mario Kart: DD and SSBM (for now). At least my games are fun, make me think (Zelda, and yes, Pokemon) and keep me moving (Wii Sports and M&S). I don't have to sit on my ass and waste time looking at a pretty picture when I can move about, think and have fun with my Wii.

Oh, and I will have some good times getting to bed at night. That's why I have a laptop with the Solitudes: Exploring Nature with Music collection and Celtic Woman to put me to bed. Gotta love the nature sounds, music and pretty voices. At least my Wii AND laptop give me the same things I could get on a PS3, but I don't want to waste anymore money on stuff that has a few things I like on it.

AHAHAHAH, So your saying, even though the commercial says it starts at $399, and I can pick one up at Walmart for $399, thats a lie? LOL. Obviously you like to live in your little cartoon fantasy world, and if you honestly enjoy watching Nascar, HA! So, your saying, if you were to go shooting, you'd go hunting, but your against killing, well bro, I have your solution, PLAY A SHOOTING GAME there's no real killing! ITS THE PERFECT SOLUTION! You my friend, are one crazy a$$ hippy, have fun destroying cartoon characters. Why do you even own a console, shouldnt you been out there swimming with the dolphins? Come on man, they are lonely! And those tree's need huggin! Can't forget those, or maybe you could go to the pond and feed the ducks? What about them? Or you know what, I'm sure there is some oil spill somewhere for you to clean up, don't want them penguins dying!

You crack me up, you like Nascar, are against killing a GAME unless of course its a cartoon character, then your perfectly fine with it. What is the world coming to?

P.S. Does nintendo explain WHY the Wii is at $250 when it only costs them $150 to make? WHY don't they tell you that your getting screwed over?

A few questions for you Username2324:

1) How do you know how much a wii costs to produce?

2) Since when is a company ripping people off for actually making money?

I simply do not understand why people think its normal for companies to loss lead. The very vast majority of products are ALWAYS sold for a profit...unless they're doing so badly that they can't sell them for more than cost. If you want to argue about other things regarding the Wii, fine, but this absolutely ridiculous argument that hardware vendors should give their products away below cost is insane.

I suppose you're the same type of person who complains that top oil companies are all posting record breaking profits. Obviously they're ripping us all off and it has nothing at all to do with record breaking demand and lack of adequate supplies.

Companies make money, thats what they do. The only companies that have successfully loss lead products are those that have money to burn from other sources of income. Nintendo makes video games, thats it. Sony and microsoft could both quite easily make a profit if they decided to leave the video game sector tomorrow.

edit: PS, the thread was obviously a joke to start with so don't get so defensive. Sony and 360 fans are always saying how sensitive Nintendo fans are, but I'm pretty sure they don't get all up in arms about obvious sarcasm.

 Wii Production costs:
This is back at the launch of the Wii, so you can expect them to have reduced production costs even further, and I'm not saying its bad to make profit, I think its great, but $100 from day 1? Don't you think they could have be a little more consumer friendly? Especially since they were breaking HDTV's across the globe.

P.S. Who started the whole argument? A Wii fan.

DMeisterJ said:
Good thing I missed this thread.

But to sum it up:

Sony's Ads for the PS3 are great. They actually show the games (Which when it launched, they had the commercials be really abstract and not make a point), and they tout the Blu-Ray player in it, which, since it's essentially won the war, is another good selling point. They also point out the PlayStation Network as it is growing and evolving, especially with the help of Home. I rather like the commercials, as they show why the PS3 is such a good console, among other things.

In comparison to other commercials:

I haven't really seen a lot of XBOX 360 ones, at least not as much as Ninty and Sony, but the last one I saw was of Guitar Hero 3 on XBOX 360 but that sold more on the PS2, so I don't know how much that one helped... Nintendo's commercials are really plain, but to the point to. Here is our first-party game. Play it. It is good. Which are all true, but the whole "Wii (We) would like to play" pun is getting quite old. But a problem with Nintendo's commercials is that you don't see any third party commercials showcasing a game and the Wii (Except Tomb Raider, but that game bombed big time). But I do applaud Nintendo for getting right to the point in the commercial, the game. No music or anything, just play our game, and it hits the point home extremly well.

@ Avinash_Tyagi

I have a slight bone to pick with you... matter of fact two.

First, Sony has targeted it's audience as the "hardcore", but they also have targeted the casual with the blu-ray commercials. And as HD penetration rates are increasing, and the number of HD players (Read: Blu-Ray Players) increase, the PS3 being the cheapest one will definetly help them with the "casual".

Second, we don't yet know if Killzone will or will not deliver. But the E3 showing, while it wasn't the 2005 E3 beautiful, was still stunning, and as long as the gameplay is as good as Guerilla would want us to believe, I do think that that game will deliver on all of their promises.

 Casuals don't care about Blu-ray, do you know that most owners of HDTV's do not have any HD signals, including HD formats like Blu-ray.


And most casuals will wait for Sub $200 players, so that won't help PS3 


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)