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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Anti-Nintendo biased in the enthusiast media

ZenfoldorVGI said:
twesterm said:

  1. Just because you like Jaffe doesn't mean you hate Nintendo, it just means you acknowledge Jaffe is a character and people like him for whatever reason. He speaks his mouth and when he speaks funny stuff comes out. I think Jaffe is a funny guy, does that mean I hate Nintendo?
  2. So they are critical of everybody?
  3. Oh, so since they're reporting on gaming news they're biased? I'd be more worried if they pick and choose their stories rather than report on everything.
  4. I'm sorry, but if you can't see how ridiculous those patents are, then you're crazy. I'm sure they could be made into something cool, but that doesn't change the fact they're funny and deserve to laughed at.
  5. So since someone doesn't like Wii Fit they hate Nintendo? I don't like Halo, does that mean I hate the 360?
  6. I think you took that story too seriously. Are you telling me that you wouldn't be annoyed when you have a game you've been waiting for a long time that had the promise of true online play and you couldn't take advantage of it? If you actually look through the site, you'll notice they actually do a lot of praising of SSBB too, how can that be if they're anti Nintendo?
  7. Once again, link please. I would love to see the context rather than you explaining it.
  8. Um, as far as I remember they loved Mario Galaxy and Twilight Princess. Also, it's a good thing when a news source doesn't just go with the flow and actually say what they think.
  9. No, that's just their community. Is VGChartz pro Wii or is its community pro Wii?

I think your biggest problem is that you take any attack on Nintendo way too personally. For some odd reason you think that since they like Jaffe or because they mock funny patents that they are for some reason biased. Furthermore, you think that since they comment on gaming news, they're even more biased.

Please let me just set this straight: all that doesn't mean they're biased.

If they chose to just highlight negative Wii stories and then positive, say, PS3 stories. That would be biased.

Oh, and nice research. According to you Kotaku would be the following:

Pro Wii Biased:
Right Now Bashcraft Doesn't Hate Wii Fit
Rock Band confirmed for Wii and European Launch (it focuses more on the Wii than the EU launch date, OMG Wii bias!)
Club Nintendo Zelda Statue is a False Idol (talks about the awesome statue and the insane amount of points it takes to get).
Does Super Smash Bros Brawl Actually Deliver? Yes, according to the article.
Super Smash Bros in the House Not much of an article but sure seems like he's excited. Why would he be excited for something he hates?
No More Heroes Could Have Rocked the 360's World Sure, it talks about how NMH could have went to the 360 but also goes on to compliment NMH.
Jaffe: Here's My Godddamn Wii Controller Bitches

Kotaku Nintendo bias confirmed.

I do tend to disagree with you. If feel the articles you linked are more admissions than praises. Except for Brawl. Some Kotaku editors are Brawl fanboys, no doubt.


Let me assure you, Jaffe is as much of a Sony fanboy as anyone can get. He can't help it. In turn, Nintendo is his mortal enemy. What's worse, he uses the excuse that he owns Nintendo products and plays them, in an attempt to seem unbiased, when he says their products are inferior to Sonys. It's terrible and deceptive, and its a good think that the internet community recognized this long ago, or we'd see a ton of "ZOMG developer Jaffe doesnt' like the Wii," instead of a nonsuprised smirk when we hear him insult Miyamoto for not liking violent racing games with machine guns, when in all likelyhood, Miyamoto doesn't know who the fuck David Jaffe is.


I've said, Kotaku is critical of everyone, sometimes, but are critical of the Wii consistantly.


It's not Kotaku's reporting that I have a problem with, it's their anti-Wii commentary in most of their articles.


Laughing at company patents is fair, balanced, and unafraid.


Not liking Wii Fit? I could care less. I don't particularly like it either. However, acting morally offended and flaming Nintendo with every commercial they release for the thing is a different story.


The Brawl online wasn't taken too seriously. It was biased journalism, insulting the Wii. I can't tell you how many times I've heard the term "proper online" or "proper console" by anti-Wii fanboys. It's their motto. The "Brawl doesnt' have proper online" is one of two things. Biased, or ignorant. Take your pick.


I don't feel like digging up the link on the Patcher story. It's about 5 pages in. I quoted what Kotaku said, that should be enough. I didn't make it up.


While one or two editors might have liked Mario Galaxy, apparently someone there wishes Miyamoto was working on something new and different.


VGchartz community is pro Wii, because the numbers on this site are pro Wii, therefore, Wii fanboys flock here. The comments on Kotaku are anti-Wii, therefore anti-Wii fanboys flock there.



Let me reitterate, this is my opinion. I can't prove them. However, while you attempt to retalliate to every one of my assertions, I can tell you this. Biased or not, Kotaku has many more stories degrading the Wii, than any other system, and many less stories praising the Wii, than any other system. As a Wii fan, I dread clicking any link that has anything to do with David Jaffe, the Wii, the DS, or sales, because I am almost certain to see anti-Wii biased in the article and in every comment on the whole page.


I can't prove fox news is pro republican either, but I thought that would be obvious.

What does it matter than Jaffe is a Sony fanboy through and through?  That's Jaffe who doesn't have anything to do with Kotaku.  The fact they like him and likes it when he talks means absolutely nothing.

If they were consistently critical of Nintendo then I wouldn't be able to casually skim two pages of stories and find that many pro Nintendo articles.

As for the anti-Wii commentary, it looks that way because Kotaku is very critical and often very sarcastic.  They're like that with just about everything.

I thought the Brawl thing was pretty much fair.  They got Brawl day one and couldn't get on.  I'm pretty sure they actually did something similar with Eye of Judgment when it was first released in that they couldn't connect and it wasn't picking up cards well, and that they were easily copied.  Does that mean they are unfair and biased against Sony?

If you don't feel like linking to the Pachter story, then don't bother bringing it up.

Is it so terrible that people want Miyamoto to work on something new?  He worked on Wii Fit and Wii Sports and look what came out of that.  Fuck yeah I want Miyamoto to work on new franchises.

VGChartz isn't pro Wii, the Wii is just on top.  When they post the numbers, they don't pad them slightly towards Nintendo because they want to appease the fans, that's just the numbers they get.

I really don't understand why you dread clicking Kotaku.  They're pretty harsh on most everybody and I'm sure it seems like they are worse to the Wii because that's the system you feel so strongly about.  They have done plenty of ripping on Sony and Microsoft and they have done plenty of praising of all three.  They simply get the news and then report on it.  If David Jaffe happens to be the hot topic of the day, they talk about Jeffe.  If SSBB is what's going on, they report on anything Brawl they can, good or bad.  I don't know if you know this, but that's actually good reporting.

And it's funny you mention Fox News.  They are clearly bias but they pigeon  hole stories to go exactly the way they want them to go.  They twists reports to appease their fanbase.  They leave out information or stories that they don't like.  Kotaku actually reports on everything and they do it fairly.

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outlawauron said:
Dude zenfolder what are you trying to prove? And since when being critical mean bias? I'm critical of my brother does mean I'm biased against. It seems like your just complaining that someone said something that you disagreed with.

You also put 1up as unbiased. You realize that they think the Wii has the worst line up and for next year and half of them haven't played Zack and Wiki. I would explain myself better but my flight is taking off. Thanks for the laugh.

I realize 1up has several editors that dislike the Wii. However, didn't you contradict yourself just now?


First you criticized me for saying that the enthusiast media is biased, then you criticized me for not including 1up in the anti-wii biased list?


The reason I put 1up in the unbiased column is because they ATTEMPT to remain fair and balanced, even with their obvious dislike of the console. They give equal coverage to all systems and tend to report news stories without comments or biased. Their podcasts are disgusting and a completely different story, but their reviews are fair, though somewhat unprofessional by todays standards.


Are they biased? Yes. Does it hurt their reporting and their site? No, as it's fairly obvious that steps are taken to ensure this isn't an issue, unlike Kotaku. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


twesterm said:

What does it matter than Jaffe is a Sony fanboy through and through? That's Jaffe who doesn't have anything to do with Kotaku. The fact they like him and likes it when he talks means absolutely nothing.

If they were consistently critical of Nintendo then I wouldn't be able to casually skim two pages of stories and find that many pro Nintendo articles.

As for the anti-Wii commentary, it looks that way because Kotaku is very critical and often very sarcastic. They're like that with just about everything.

I thought the Brawl thing was pretty much fair. They got Brawl day one and couldn't get on. I'm pretty sure they actually did something similar with Eye of Judgment when it was first released in that they couldn't connect and it wasn't picking up cards well, and that they were easily copied. Does that mean they are unfair and biased against Sony?

If you don't feel like linking to the Pachter story, then don't bother bringing it up.

Is it so terrible that people want Miyamoto to work on something new? He worked on Wii Fit and Wii Sports and look what came out of that. Fuck yeah I want Miyamoto to work on new franchises.

VGChartz isn't pro Wii, the Wii is just on top. When they post the numbers, they don't pad them slightly towards Nintendo because they want to appease the fans, that's just the numbers they get.

I really don't understand why you dread clicking Kotaku. They're pretty harsh on most everybody and I'm sure it seems like they are worse to the Wii because that's the system you feel so strongly about. They have done plenty of ripping on Sony and Microsoft and they have done plenty of praising of all three. They simply get the news and then report on it. If David Jaffe happens to be the hot topic of the day, they talk about Jeffe. If SSBB is what's going on, they report on anything Brawl they can, good or bad. I don't know if you know this, but that's actually good reporting.

And it's funny you mention Fox News. They are clearly bias but they pigeon hole stories to go exactly the way they want them to go. They twists reports to appease their fanbase. They leave out information or stories that they don't like. Kotaku actually reports on everything and they do it fairly.

The articles you skimmed aren't pro-Nintendo, they're disgruntled admissions of the obvious.


Lets agree to disagree, because I'm tired of arguing with you. I think most people who have read this post will look at Kotaku in a different light, and we'll see, in time, if their anti-Nintendo biased, or lack thereof, keeps happening. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:

And sites that make every attempt to stay completely unbiased: 

Talk about a laughable article.  I'm willing to bet if you ask Nintendo fans on this board about the word "unbiased" would only be said by a few if any.

I'm glad to see all the press that was clearly anti-Wii and anti-Nintendo from the start, become irrelevant like they are now.
These people were unreliable and ridiculous when I stopped gaming, and they only got worse when I came back. The first thing I noticed when I came back in early 2006 to discover the Wii, was the heavy anti-Nintendo feeling on nearly every gaming site.
To this day it's still the same, only a bit better because the "journalists" there are getting owned over and over, every month, by Nintendo and its DS and Wii consoles. And yes, Kotaku is one of these sites, and always was. For not seeing that, you must be pretty blinded.
I pity the fools of the Kotaku defense force, that dare say that smearing Nintendo patents, which have nothing to do with any news, is just being fair. The sole purpose of talking about these patents is to downplay Nintendo and say sth bad about them.

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Riot Of The Blood said:
Right now the industry is just bias towards the 360. It's not just Wii games that are getting shitted on, it's PS3 games as well. PS3 games are always underscored, and that probably won't change until the Wii puts these console wars to an end. A PS3 game can't buy a 9/10 score. Ratchet & Clank, Resistance, Uncharted, Virtua Fighter 5, and Ninja Gaiden Sigma are all exclusive that never touched 90% due to the hate against the PS3. Can you honestly tell me that none of those games are worth 90%? Bullshit, I say. If those games were on the 360, they would be at 90% easily.

 I'm gonna have to agree with you here, it seems that many of the PS3 games deserving of high scores just aren't getting them from the "pro's", just look at the differences in user score and critics score, and you'll see what Riot means, at least in some cases.

Gamespot takes the crown though, their so called comparisons are so laughable, they made me quit using Gamespot alltogether.

Legend11 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

And sites that make every attempt to stay completely unbiased:

Talk about a laughable article. I'm willing to bet if you ask Nintendo fans on this board about the word "unbiased" would only be said by a few if any.

 Well that's true of any videogame fan i imagine.  It's got a whopping 75% negative user opinion from gamerankings.  Everyone thinks their biased against their system.  Statistically it shows a slight negative bias on all systems which is doubled on the wii.  Though, slight.

Nonsense, the XB360 get none of this negative bias, and it's obvious, especially from western gaming sites ... which just means most of those read by english speaking people.

Legend11 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

And sites that make every attempt to stay completely unbiased:

Talk about a laughable article. I'm willing to bet if you ask Nintendo fans on this board about the word "unbiased" would only be said by a few if any.

Again, proving my point is correct, but my analysis is wrong, actually makes the piece have more substance.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Well, I think it's true but it doesn't matter... The mainstream medias are extraordinarily pro-Wii.