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twesterm said:

What does it matter than Jaffe is a Sony fanboy through and through? That's Jaffe who doesn't have anything to do with Kotaku. The fact they like him and likes it when he talks means absolutely nothing.

If they were consistently critical of Nintendo then I wouldn't be able to casually skim two pages of stories and find that many pro Nintendo articles.

As for the anti-Wii commentary, it looks that way because Kotaku is very critical and often very sarcastic. They're like that with just about everything.

I thought the Brawl thing was pretty much fair. They got Brawl day one and couldn't get on. I'm pretty sure they actually did something similar with Eye of Judgment when it was first released in that they couldn't connect and it wasn't picking up cards well, and that they were easily copied. Does that mean they are unfair and biased against Sony?

If you don't feel like linking to the Pachter story, then don't bother bringing it up.

Is it so terrible that people want Miyamoto to work on something new? He worked on Wii Fit and Wii Sports and look what came out of that. Fuck yeah I want Miyamoto to work on new franchises.

VGChartz isn't pro Wii, the Wii is just on top. When they post the numbers, they don't pad them slightly towards Nintendo because they want to appease the fans, that's just the numbers they get.

I really don't understand why you dread clicking Kotaku. They're pretty harsh on most everybody and I'm sure it seems like they are worse to the Wii because that's the system you feel so strongly about. They have done plenty of ripping on Sony and Microsoft and they have done plenty of praising of all three. They simply get the news and then report on it. If David Jaffe happens to be the hot topic of the day, they talk about Jeffe. If SSBB is what's going on, they report on anything Brawl they can, good or bad. I don't know if you know this, but that's actually good reporting.

And it's funny you mention Fox News. They are clearly bias but they pigeon hole stories to go exactly the way they want them to go. They twists reports to appease their fanbase. They leave out information or stories that they don't like. Kotaku actually reports on everything and they do it fairly.

The articles you skimmed aren't pro-Nintendo, they're disgruntled admissions of the obvious.


Lets agree to disagree, because I'm tired of arguing with you. I think most people who have read this post will look at Kotaku in a different light, and we'll see, in time, if their anti-Nintendo biased, or lack thereof, keeps happening. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.