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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

Aw crap, I reserved my copy from a Gamestop inside a mall.

Looks like I'll be running around trying to see if I can't reserve another copy somewhere else so I can get in on some of that tournament goodness.


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I know that some gamestops have 300+ preorders. Does that mean we will have a tourney with 150+ people possibly (I dont think everyone will know about the tourney, let alone midnight launch)

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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@Naz: Sunuvabitch my EB's in a mall. *cries

We might want to set up a Brawl Tournament thread right now--that way we have time for everyone who wants to enter to sign up, and we can set up the tiers. (Will it be 4-p matches or 2-p btw?)

Also, when the game comes out, everyone can post their friend codes there.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Please be 2 player matches >.> I know that it'll probably be 4 player so itll go faster. But when we get down to the finals or semi-finals, it should be 1v1. Thats how ive played all of my melee tourneys

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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Sweet, I'm gonna pre-order my copy at a Gamestop now (I've been holding off until someone could promise me a midnight launch. Still gonna ask them though ;-D).

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thekitchensink said:
@Naz: Sunuvabitch my EB's in a mall. *cries

We might want to set up a Brawl Tournament thread right now--that way we have time for everyone who wants to enter to sign up, and we can set up the tiers. (Will it be 4-p matches or 2-p btw?)

Also, when the game comes out, everyone can post their friend codes there.

No, I'm gonna wait till a week or so before release.  No reason to do it this early.  People will just forget hehe.  

As far as how many players, my day after tourney will be 1 on 1, but people we can host tourneys of all types...  we aren't limited to just making 1 kind of tournament.  Though I think we should at least limit it to 1 per week.

Sam's Club Climbs Aboard on the Smash Bros. Bandwagon

At the recent Sam's Club yearly management meeting it was revealed that the bulk/discount retailer will be begin taking pre-orders for games, launching the new process with Super Smash Bros. Brawl. They will also be hosting midnight SSBB launch events at every Sam's Club store that will include not only the game but each store will have around twenty Wii's on hand as well. The game will retail there for under $44.

This is a new thing for Sam's Club so it will be interesting to see if people will actually attend a midnight launch there as opposed to going to a game store or other brick and mortar store. We have also been informed that Sam's will soon be stocking Rock Band at just under $150 (something tells me it will be 149.99) which is about a $20 cheaper than most places. If you're a Sam's Club member, keep an eye on their website as they will be adding more options for pre-ordering SSBB and other titles in the future.

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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OT: I would play a 1v1 tournament at launch so I can test out each characters strengths and weaknesses for myself.

BCrayfish said:
Aw crap, I reserved my copy from a Gamestop inside a mall.

Looks like I'll be running around trying to see if I can't reserve another copy somewhere else so I can get in on some of that tournament goodness.

 i reserveed  mine at the mall too..


u gess i have to suffer just like u 

tomorrows brawls old release date *dies* nooooooo0ooo