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Sam's Club Climbs Aboard on the Smash Bros. Bandwagon

At the recent Sam's Club yearly management meeting it was revealed that the bulk/discount retailer will be begin taking pre-orders for games, launching the new process with Super Smash Bros. Brawl. They will also be hosting midnight SSBB launch events at every Sam's Club store that will include not only the game but each store will have around twenty Wii's on hand as well. The game will retail there for under $44.

This is a new thing for Sam's Club so it will be interesting to see if people will actually attend a midnight launch there as opposed to going to a game store or other brick and mortar store. We have also been informed that Sam's will soon be stocking Rock Band at just under $150 (something tells me it will be 149.99) which is about a $20 cheaper than most places. If you're a Sam's Club member, keep an eye on their website as they will be adding more options for pre-ordering SSBB and other titles in the future.

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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