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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

no one wants to play?

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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^ I do, Your offline

ok i will go onright now,1 sec

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

OK, my brother is joining... Yay!!

could we stop picking the same stage over again

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Hey, I'm not really sure where to put this, but my Friend Code is 3437-4501-7765

Right now I'm just a bit above average in "with anyone", so I'm guessing pretty much everyone of you should beat me fairly easily.

If you add me, please PM me, or post that you added me here.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

pichu_pichu said:
could we stop picking the same stage over again

That's my biggest complaint with online play.

People repeatedly pick the same stages over and over and over.

Originally it was Final Destination every time, all the time.  Today Animal Crossing, Battlefield, and Pokemon Stadium (Melee) are the biggest offenders.

Words Of Wisdom said:
pichu_pichu said:
could we stop picking the same stage over again

That's my biggest complaint with online play.

People repeatedly pick the same stages over and over and over.

Originally it was Final Destination every time, all the time.  Today Animal Crossing, Battlefield, and Pokemond Stadium (Melee) are the biggest offenders.

Let me join the rant! I've been victim of that trend too, it's better than the initial Final Destination situation but it's still so boring to always fight at the same place. Although, I almost choose Animal Crossing (Smashville) for my first match with someone, I have a great array of stages I choose from :

Battlefield, Bridge of Eldin, Castle Siege, Delfino Plaza, Final Destination, Frigate Orpheon, Halberd, Luigi's Mansion, Lylat Cruise, Norfair, Pirate Ship, Pokémon Stadium Melee & Brawl,  Port Town Aero Dive, Shadow Moses, Smashville, Spear Pillar, Summit, Yoshi's Island (Brawl), Jungle Japes, Corneria.

See I told there was a lot

Signature goes here!

I have a very limit selection of choices when it comes to stages. I like my matches to be about fighting, not dodging stage effects or whatever. There are very few stages in this game even worth picking. I only stick to nutral stages and counter picks that are like nuetral stages.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Riot Of The Blood said:
I have a very limit selection of choices when it comes to stages. I like my matches to be about fighting, not dodging stage effects or whatever. There are very few stages in this game even worth picking. I only stick to nutral stages and counter picks that are like nuetral stages.

I understand.  Not everyone is skilled enough to fight and navigate the stage at the same time.