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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Year of the PSP

Ill agree that its a monster year for the psp, even if not on a sales perspective definatly on a gamers perspective and thats where it counts to us, but these games definatly wont slow down sales

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shams said:

The Wii is sort of odd anyway (its a bit like a console DS). Try playing Nintendogs, Brain Training or Elite Beat on a PS2, PSP or GC. Not only are they custom suited to the DS hardware, they are great portable titles. Nintendogs in its current form wouldn't be much fun on a TV (as its designed for 20min of gametime every day - not hour+ long sessions).

Just like trying to play Ridge Racer, Tekken, Silent Hill or Metal Gear Solid on the DS.

I'm not dissing the DS, just that I prefer to sit and play GTA or RR on the go than Brain Training. 

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

And 40 million don't...


I would get a PSP if the games weren't that expensive. They're selling for 49.95 EUR. DS titles are selling for 39.95 or less.

Hardcore gaming is a bubble economy blown up by Microsoft's $7 $6 billion losses.

reverie said:
I would get a PSP if the games weren't that expensive. They're selling for 49.95 EUR. DS titles are selling for 39.95 or less.

PSP games are expensive but price you've listed is the highest possible. The fact is 70% of best titles right now cost below 20 € (Tekken, Killzone, Syphon Filter, Daxter, Lumines, GTA etc.) even MGS:PO costs 41.99 €. These newest positions drop prices few weeks after premiere. 

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windbane said:
OriGin said:
It's a good year, but to me I can see that these games seem to cater for just one kind of crowd...

Ok, I'm going to take some bait here. One that crowd PSP owners? I'd agree there...

Seriously, though...Elder Scrolls and FF7:Crisis Core are both RPGs but even those don't appeal to the same "kind of crowd."

Let me try to guess some other crowd names: game players, people who like fun games, people who like great games?

I can put God of War and Devil May Cry in the same game category, so you win there...I just don't know sometimes...

 Nah none of them, they are all Mature games.

StarcraftManiac said:

And 40 million don't...

40 million don't what?

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

Its more like 2007 is the year of the huge game....Regardless of system. Each system has a few 1m+ sellers. X360 has Mass Effect, H3, GTAIV Wii has SSBM, SMG, ect DS has Pokemon D/P PSP has a few games you listed PS3 has MGS4, KillZone2 and GTAIV Easily the biggest year in gaming history for all the systems. Hopefully consumers have enough cash for all the must-have titles.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
Its more like 2007 is the year of the huge game....Regardless of system. Each system has a few 1m+ sellers. X360 has Mass Effect, H3, GTAIV Wii has SSBM, SMG, ect DS has Pokemon D/P PSP has a few games you listed PS3 has MGS4, KillZone2 and GTAIV Easily the biggest year in gaming history for all the systems. Hopefully consumers have enough cash for all the must-have titles.

 This is exactly why I am being very selective with buying games now cause I wanna get the good stuff on all the systems...

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

StarcraftManiac said:

This sure ain't gonna be a bad year for PSP... But let me get something straight:

Your title: The year of PSP!... WTF?!

Software line-up might be good... But the DS is CRUSHING all sales records....

And the arguments you come up with is, look at the software library:


Well: DS, X360 and Wii have some killers too! So it just depends on which games you like!


-Dragon quest IX.

-Final fantasy XII: Revenant wings.

-Zelda: Phanthom hourglass.

-Pokémon: Diamond/Pearl.

- There are many more but these are the ones IM ABSOLUTELY SURE OF THAT IM BUYING.



- Halo 3.


- Too Human.

- Some nice RPG's...

- Bioshock.

- Damn, whats the name again... Where you can travel between planets and do lots of things... AARGH!...



- Resident evil umbrella corp. Chronicles.

- Super mario Galaxy.

- Oppoona.

- Super smash bros: Brawl.

- Manhunt 2.

- No more heroes.

- Metroid prime 3.

- MySims... (Casual gamer, killer app...)

- WiiHealth... (Casual gamer, killer app...)

- WiiMusic... (Casual gamer, killer app...)


So, end of the story is: It just depends on which games you like.

 Are you implying there are no big games for PS3 this year? Cause there are a bunch... and the planet game is Mass Effect.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!