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KHlover said:
Dr.Grass said:
KHlover said:
Dr.Grass said:
KHlover said:
I love the new style for Wind Waker, I hope they don't let the very people who didn't want WW back then dictate the style.

I have no idea what you mean...?

Honestly, most of the people I've seen who want the Dolphin look for the WW remake are exactly those who hated on WW before release back then -> don't let the fans dictate the style.

I have no idea what you are saying.

What style choice is even possible at this stage?

What is the "Dolphin look"?

How could you possibly know which people said what over 10 years ago?

Dolphin look = how the game looks like when emulated with Dolphin.

New Style = How WW HD looks like on the actual WiiU screenshots.

You're not saying anything at all really!

Obviously an upscaled emulation will look different technically from a remake.


This is nothing to do with style. The style of the two are exactly the same.

No one is dictating anything. Who are you talking about? Can you find me a single quote anywhere on the internet that exemplifies "most of the people I've seen...want the Dolphin look for the WW remake are exactly those who hated on WW before release back the"...?

IMO you're being nonsensical.

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Dr.Grass said:
blunty51 said:
Oh, I know, maybe if they made the dungeons less linear and allowed us to skip through the text every time we pick up a spoil, you might appreciate that.

They probably won't have to make such a large overworld more interesting though. Everyone loves the endless miles of water and not one $#!@ to do.


I can literally feel your dislike.

Gotta respect your opinion. Did you play WW when it came out, or much later?

I played it when it came out.  The game's certainly not rubbish, the art style is its strongest point imho.

Fairly low on my list of fav Zelda games.

Viper1 said:
Dr.Grass said:

1. Nintendo (and the fans obv) are touting The Wind Waker remake for Wii U as some sort of killer app.

2. Surely they would want to use their resources as wisely as possible. New, fresh experiences on the Wii U would do wonders for their public image.

3. But... Nintendo... I have to confess... I've kinda, already played it in HD... on the dolphin emulator

4. Of course it looks better on dolphin.

5. SO, are there new dungeons? New islands? Will the gamepad bring anything new to the table?

6. I just don't see how this fits in to the sparse gaming landscape you're responsible for of late.

1. I don't see many calling it a killer app.

2. Greezo is the developer so it's not a drain on internal resources.  It's also a 10 year old game meaning it IS a new experience for many.

3. You are a very small segment of the martket. While your circumstances are valid for you, they aren't valid for 95% of the people that will buy the game.

4. Subjectives aside, which is practically all of it, WW HD will have new graphics overall, not just a higher resolution.

5. Yes, new content.

6. You is the key factor.  It's not all new to you (even though it really is quite new) but it is all new to many, many people.  And being from a outside developer...perfect.

Soleron said:

Wind Waker was also incredibly beautiful. I don't see why more is needed really. Nintendo should spend those resources on the new Zelda.

It's being developed by Greezo fo very little internal resources are being used on the game.

You do remember they are making a brand new Zelda as well, yes?

So what did it turn out to be then eh?


Looks like their will be improvements according to Aonuma:

Excited! My favourite game of all time and I haven't played it in 4 years now. Can't wait ^.^

naimisharanya said:
Viper1 said:

1. I don't see many calling it a killer app.

2. Greezo is the developer so it's not a drain on internal resources.  It's also a 10 year old game meaning it IS a new experience for many.

3. You are a very small segment of the martket. While your circumstances are valid for you, they aren't valid for 95% of the people that will buy the game.

4. Subjectives aside, which is practically all of it, WW HD will have new graphics overall, not just a higher resolution.

5. Yes, new content.

6. You is the key factor.  It's not all new to you (even though it really is quite new) but it is all new to many, many people.  And being from a outside developer...perfect.

It's being developed by Greezo fo very little internal resources are being used on the game.

You do remember they are making a brand new Zelda as well, yes?

So what did it turn out to be then eh?


Looks like they've swapped the idea of new content with balancing out the travel aspects.

Initially, new content was going to do the balancing but they probably decided it's much easier on development to tweak the travel rather than add brand new content to achieve the same purpose.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Around the Network
Viper1 said:

1. I don't see many calling it a killer app.

2. Greezo is the developer so it's not a drain on internal resources.  It's also a 10 year old game meaning it IS a new experience for many.

3. You are a very small segment of the martket. While your circumstances are valid for you, they aren't valid for 95% of the people that will buy the game.

4. Subjectives aside, which is practically all of it, WW HD will have new graphics overall, not just a higher resolution.

5. Yes, new content.

6. You is the key factor.  It's not all new to you (even though it really is quite new) but it is all new to many, many people.  And being from a outside developer...perfect.




Viper1 said:
naimisharanya said:
Viper1 said:

1. I don't see many calling it a killer app.

2. Greezo is the developer so it's not a drain on internal resources.  It's also a 10 year old game meaning it IS a new experience for many.

3. You are a very small segment of the martket. While your circumstances are valid for you, they aren't valid for 95% of the people that will buy the game.

4. Subjectives aside, which is practically all of it, WW HD will have new graphics overall, not just a higher resolution.

5. Yes, new content.

6. You is the key factor.  It's not all new to you (even though it really is quite new) but it is all new to many, many people.  And being from a outside developer...perfect.

It's being developed by Greezo fo very little internal resources are being used on the game.

You do remember they are making a brand new Zelda as well, yes?

So what did it turn out to be then eh?


Looks like they've swapped the idea of new content with balancing out the travel aspects.

Initially, new content was going to do the balancing but they probably decided it's much easier on development to tweak the travel rather than add brand new content to achieve the same purpose.

What a load of nonsense!

Achieve the same purpose!?

What purpose is that.

Dr.Grass said:
Viper1 said:

Looks like they've swapped the idea of new content with balancing out the travel aspects.

Initially, new content was going to do the balancing but they probably decided it's much easier on development to tweak the travel rather than add brand new content to achieve the same purpose.

What a load of nonsense!

Achieve the same purpose!?

What purpose is that.

They were going to add new content between those long duration ocean travels to break up the monotony and to reduce the player let down of a long voyage with little pay off (for the small islands with long journeys).   Since dev time was getting short, they cut the new content and instead created a faster means of travel.  That way the journey and payoff are more balanced than the original GC iteration. 

The rEVOLution is not being televised

I checked out some videos of WW on a dolphin emulator and while whether something looks nicer is completely subjective, I have to disagree with you. WW HD on WiiU looks much nicer. Besides, I'm getting it for the updated controls via touch screen and gyroscopic arrow blasting!

oniyide said:
I dont recall any Ninty fans or anyone touting it as a killer app, doesnt matter what or how Ninty advertises it. One would have to be naive, foolish or just plain ignorant IMHO to think a remake of a two gen old game can be a killer app. Thats not to say it wont be well done, but i would say keep your expectations realistic.

Then why are you telling people not to expect it to be a killer app? Lol.