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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Halo: Spartan Assault revealed for Windows Phone and Windows 8

sales2099 said:
Carl2291 said:
Is there a logo and does it match the logo on that bingo card?

Should be on XBLA too

MS doing timed exclusivity on its own platforms lol

In all seriousness, people will petition a XBLA version, and this is to push MS platform adoption (a small bump if anything but a bump). Itll come to XBLA by years end, one would think.

it could be cross all 3 platform gaming

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NesFe said:
I wonder if it will release on Windows 8 Pro, or just the ARM Tablets. It looks nice. I would definitly buy it for my laptop.

its releasing for windows 8, and for windows 8 on cell phones. Should be available for all versions of windows 8.

So that bingo card is legit. Keen to see how Fable 4 turns out.

Panama said:
So that bingo card is legit. Keen to see how Fable 4 turns out.

doesn't have to, the bingo card came out after we already heard about halo: spartan assault. 

well, if the logo is the same it may be legit.

thranx said:
NesFe said:
I wonder if it will release on Windows 8 Pro, or just the ARM Tablets. It looks nice. I would definitly buy it for my laptop.

its releasing for windows 8, and for windows 8 on cell phones. Should be available for all versions of windows 8.

Yeah, I just finished reading the article but Thanks ^^. Gives me a reason to boot Win 8.

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Looks real good. Too bad I don't have anything Windows 8 at the moment.

Great! Wasn't certainly not exprecting a Windows phone game but this is more of a reason for me to get a Windows phone.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Awsome! Will buy this on my windows 8 pc. Too bad the controller isn't supported.