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Forums - Sony Discussion - Naughty Dog will keep its engine tech for PS4 development

Carl2291 said:

Call of Duty 4 was fantastic. Visually great, while maintaining 60FPS.

After CoD4, it simply didnt impress.

I approve of the gameplay over graphics philosophy even though its just their excuse to keep making PS360 games for a few more years.

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ListerOfSmeg said:
I remember not long ago COD was going to save the Vita, but now its just more garbage. Sony fans are always a funny lot. Their opinion changes greatly simply based on company name.
Sony targets PS3 to nongamers= brilliant more PS3s in homes
MS pushes nongaming features in xbox1= turning their back on gamers
Any dev uses same engine as last gen= Lazy
Any console uses a last gen engine = Not next gen
ND uses same engine= Brilliant
Ps4 uses last gen engines= 3 generations ahead of PC.
Touchpad on Wii U= useless
Mini touchpad on PS4 controller= innovation
Touchscreens = add nothing to gaming
Vita has a touchpad= Innovation
After claiming touchpads were pointless and would never take the place of buttons, til Vita needs its touchpad to take the place of buttons and its again innovative and not the issue it was 6 months earlier when it was a different company

Good Lord.

I can't believe so many people replied to sales' stupid post. Everyone knows why cod gets the bashing that it does when it comes to it's visuals. Naughty Dog games always show significant improvement in this department with every release. As someone said earlier, Valve has been using the same engine for ages and it's fine because it's constantly seeing significant improvement.

All they're saying here is that they're not starting from scratch like last gen, this time around. If they need better physics, they'll make the appropriate improvements. If it's not keeping the framerate they need at the visual fidelity they want, they'll work on that as needed. It's not as if their tools will remain the same for the next 6 years, people. Also, as someone else mentioned, they just like all other SCE first party, have access to a lot of resources from other devs.

4 ≈ One

Carl2291 said:
KHlover said:
hunter_alien said:
sales2099 said:
People trashed COD devs for reusing their last gen engine and upgrading it, instead of working from scratch. let's see how PS fans react to this news now that its their favorite developer doing it.

Yes, but ND prooved time again, that thye are among the best while IW launches mediocrity after mediocrity since 2003...

Hey, Call of Duty 1&2 were some of the best looking games at their time. After that? Yeah, mediocre.

Call of Duty 4 was fantastic. Visually great, while maintaining 60FPS.

After CoD4, it simply didnt impress.

Hm, on a technical level I agree with you. On a purely graphical level you'd have to compare COD4 to Crysis, though...

sales2099 said:
People trashed COD devs for reusing their last gen engine and upgrading it, instead of working from scratch. let's see how PS fans react to this news now that its their favorite developer doing it.

People don't bash on CoD for reusing the same engine.  They bash on CoD for reusing the exact same assets every single game.  Graphically and gameplay there's a marginal difference from Modern Warfare to Black Ops 2.

From your statement it seems that you're making the assumption that every game will look and play like Uncharted by using Naughty Dog's engine, which isn't true.  The game can play completely different and higher resolution textures can be used.  Crimson Dragon, Gears of War, Mirror's Edge, Mass Effect, Batman Arkham City, and DmC Devil May Cry  all run on the same engine yet all look and play completely different.

We know nothing of what their engine is actually capable of because it's used exclusively by them.  So wait until their first PS4 game is released   Naughty Dog also never went in depth with the building their engine.  Who knows what it could do.  It could be like DICE's and Id's Engines which are built to still work on future generations of games.  The engines are scalable. 

Like the original post mentions.  There's no need to upscale their engine unless there's something the engine can't do.  More than likely the graphical quality of games Naughty Dog releases on the PS4 will be comparable to their games versus any other developer on the PS3.  The only things they'll need to add to the engine are additional features if need be. 

Around the Network
sales2099 said:
People trashed COD devs for reusing their last gen engine and upgrading it, instead of working from scratch. let's see how PS fans react to this news now that its their favorite developer doing it.

I'm not calling you out or anything - honestly.

But there's this word that is used that I've honestly never ever used, but I feel it's so applicable now I just can't resist.

Flaim bait?

sales2099 said:
People trashed COD devs for reusing their last gen engine and upgrading it, instead of working from scratch. let's see how PS fans react to this news now that its their favorite developer doing it.

Sales, why do this?

You know you are twisting facts here and deliberately trying to flame PS3 fans. WTF do you do this?

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

ListerOfSmeg said:
I remember not long ago COD was going to save the Vita, but now its just more garbage. Sony fans are always a funny lot. Their opinion changes greatly simply based on company name.
Sony targets PS3 to nongamers= brilliant more PS3s in homes
MS pushes nongaming features in xbox1= turning their back on gamers
Any dev uses same engine as last gen= Lazy
Any console uses a last gen engine = Not next gen
ND uses same engine= Brilliant
Ps4 uses last gen engines= 3 generations ahead of PC.
Touchpad on Wii U= useless
Mini touchpad on PS4 controller= innovation
Touchscreens = add nothing to gaming
Vita has a touchpad= Innovation
After claiming touchpads were pointless and would never take the place of buttons, til Vita needs its touchpad to take the place of buttons and its again innovative and not the issue it was 6 months earlier when it was a different company

Fans tend to interpret things in different ways. Not just Sony Fans. PS3 was also mocked for its multimedia function by the fans who are praising it now.


Hope Naughty Dog makes another kick-ass game :)

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

brendude13 said:
ListerOfSmeg said:
I remember not long ago COD was going to save the Vita, but now its just more garbage. Sony fans are always a funny lot. Their opinion changes greatly simply based on company name.
Sony targets PS3 to nongamers= brilliant more PS3s in homes
MS pushes nongaming features in xbox1= turning their back on gamers
Any dev uses same engine as last gen= Lazy
Any console uses a last gen engine = Not next gen
ND uses same engine= Brilliant
Ps4 uses last gen engines= 3 generations ahead of PC.
Touchpad on Wii U= useless
Mini touchpad on PS4 controller= innovation
Touchscreens = add nothing to gaming
Vita has a touchpad= Innovation
After claiming touchpads were pointless and would never take the place of buttons, til Vita needs its touchpad to take the place of buttons and its again innovative and not the issue it was 6 months earlier when it was a different company

Good Lord.

Lately I've beein seeing more denial on these forums than ever before. 

Shinobi-san said:
sales2099 said:
People trashed COD devs for reusing their last gen engine and upgrading it, instead of working from scratch. let's see how PS fans react to this news now that its their favorite developer doing it.

Sales, why do this?

You know you are twisting facts here and deliberately trying to flame PS3 fans. WTF do you do this?

I find it funny that's it's one of the first posts in the thread and is entirely unprovoked. Kinda stands out up there.