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Forums - Sales Discussion - What if Wii actually ends up in 3rd place?

At this point, there seem to be fewer people willing to consider the possibility that the Wii ends up in 1st place, which is odd, considering it's 20 million consoles ahead of the others. The way people talk about it, you'd think it was a done deal.

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pezus said:
axumblade said:
People will claim the competition ended when the next generation begin. Therefore Wii still won by default.

But the winner can rewrite the rules, so if PS3 overtakes Wii expect to see some rules being rewritten

Amen. The door always swings both ways. Now it would be your turn.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


famousringo said:
1. It will likely still have the privilege of being the most profitable.

2. It will be yet another sign that third party publishers have near-total control of this market.

I disagree with #2 wholeheartedly.

Would be nice for Sony to win 3 gens in a row and I'm predicting they will probably win 8th gen as well by the looks of its competitors.

People say they wont care but look at the fuss that stirred when people THOUGHT the DS had outsold the PS2.

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Microsoft is already dead on that target but Ps3 is definitely gonna pass wii. i mean wii is strugglin to get 100 million lol and the thing is at 99.w.e wii is really a waste!

Lol I love all these defensive posts.

"But Nintendo will still have made the most money"
"Microsoft still gained the most market share"

That's nice...but that isn't the argument.
1st place in sales is 1st place and right now that's Wii.

The throne is secure, the 8th gen has already begun and will kick into high gear these holidays.
Passing the winner AFTER the finish line isn't winning.

pezus said:
think-man said:
People say they wont care but look at the fuss that stirred when people THOUGHT the DS had outsold the PS2.

Yep. Each time that happened the thread easily reached 150+ posts

Hahaha so true.

curl-6 said:
The throne is secure, the 8th gen has already begun and will kick into high gear these holidays.
Passing the winner AFTER the finish line isn't winning.

So tired of this type of comment. It's absolutely false in every regard.

There is no finish line in an endurance race.