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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Game Critics: Game of the Year Winners Announced

I've played 7 of those 10. I think it's a pretty good top 10 list. The order may differ from what I would do, but I'd put all 7 I've played in the Top 10 for sure.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

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Griffin said:
Its a pretty good list overall, all the wii fans crying, have any of you guys even played the other games on the list. I've played most of them and SMG does not even come close to the best, even CoD4 with its broken online on the PS3 is better then SMG, even with everything wrong with Halo3 it blows SMG out of the water.

There are a lot of Wii owners who own multiple platforms you know. I for example own a Wii and a very powerful PC that makes your PS3 games look like NES games. I quite enjoyed CoD4. I even got to play it with a non-broken online system. I also got to play through Bioshock, a game that some of you fanboys who own only one system didn't. I also got to play Super Mario Galaxy, and it was my favorite game last year. ZOMG I MUST BE BIASED.

Or, maybe, just maybe, I have an opinion? Maybe your opinion isn't the end all be all of the world? Maybe you, someone who only owns and plays one console, aren't the god of gaming. Maybe you don't actually know what the best game in the world is. Maybe you should learn to respect what others believe. Just a few things that you may want to think about.

Anyone who limits their experiences to one console really has no right to criticize others for their opinions. Get out and experience more of gaming. Stop being loyal to one freaking company. They are a company. They exist to take your money.

naznatips said:
Griffin said:
Its a pretty good list overall, all the wii fans crying, have any of you guys even played the other games on the list. I've played most of them and SMG does not even come close to the best, even CoD4 with its broken online on the PS3 is better then SMG, even with everything wrong with Halo3 it blows SMG out of the water.

There are a lot of Wii owners who own multiple platforms you know. I for example own a Wii and a very powerful PC that makes your PS3 games look like NES games. I quite enjoyed CoD4. I even got to play it with a non-broken online system. I also got to play through Bioshock, a game that some of you fanboys who own only one system didn't. I also got to play Super Mario Galaxy, and it was my favorite game this year. ZOMG I MUST BE BIASED.

Or, maybe, just maybe, I have an opinion? Maybe your opinion isn't the end all be all of the world? Maybe you, someone who only owns and plays one console, aren't the god of gaming. Maybe you don't actually know what the best game in the world is. Maybe you should learn to respect what others believe. Just a few things that you may want to think about.

Anyone who limits their experiences to one console really has no right to criticize others for their opinions. Get out and experience more of gaming. Stop being loyal to one freaking company. They are a company. They exist to take your money.

Yeah, I think we established that you're not a 'cerebral' or puzzle solving gamer on another thread Griffin. Any game that's not for adrenaline junkies you don't 'understand' how anyone could like them.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Well said, Naz.

Who here has played all ten games on that list? Just curious to know how many have.

I've beaten eight of them and have played all ten (didn't beat SMG or GoWII).

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rocketpig said:
Well said, Naz.

Who here has played all ten games on that list? Just curious to know how many have.

I've beaten eight of them and have played all ten (didn't beat SMG or GoWII).

I've played at least 4 hours of every game on the list except Mass Effect.  I played and beat Bioshock, everything in The Orange Box, CoD4, SMG, Halo 3, God of War 2, and Rock Band I've played more than 20 hours of.  

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Super Mario galaxy is the game with better critics in the year, this list is not true.

Thatsa good list imo, a couple of changes i would make, but they're very nearly spot on.



rocketpig said:

Were the votes supposed to be an "overall" vote for their publication? It doesn't look that way because they list each individual editor by name and give a decription of the person.

Hey, you're the one who copy pasted the names of the publishers if it meant something. They were clearly successful in passing the message that this list somehow represented some consensus between those publications, at least with one person - you. I don't you were the only one, by the way.

rocketpig said:

Is the Hall of Fame voter for the LA Times supposed to take a poll around the office before casting his or her vote? No, even if that person is a representative for that publication (and only gets to vote because of their status at said publication), they vote based on their opinion. It may not be perfect but no list is ever going to be perfect.

I know I would. I would not in good conscience represent my company based only in my personal opinion. I wouldn't just stick to the company line irregardless of my own standing either, but it's not that hard a balance to find.

rocketpig said:

The reason I'm ranting on about this is because it gets really tiring to see any list on this forum that doesn't drop to its knees and suck off Nintendo get called biased, incomplete, stupid, etc. etc. etc. by people who haven't even played half the games on the list.

All of those games on that list are great or have great elements to them.  I couldn't care less what order they are put in, they're all getting the recognition they deserve.

The reason I'm ranting about it is not because I make a sport out of dropping to my knees and sucking off Nintendo, thank you very much. I'm ranting because I don't think this list represents what it's meant to represent - a consensus between game critics. And unless personal biases got in the way, it's simply inconsistent with what these publications and critics have said throughout the year.

And I'm sure you won't find me bashing any game from that list - they're all great games, that's for sure.

Reality has a Nintendo bias.

Really is anyone expected to have played all the games on the list? I understand where you are going with that but its a bit unreasonable to expect each and every person to play every game just to give their opinion.

People just need to stop caring what others think so much. My first post actually summed up the entire thread pretty well....

"Its not a horrible list but like most things made by someone else I think you will find there are things about it you don't like....and some will dislike it more than others....shocking revelations to be sure =)"

But really anyone who has played half the original list had a lot of cash and free time to spare during the year and people who put entirely too much time into the hobby are not the only people who should be allowed to have an opinion on the topic.

I'm happy that I've thoroughly beaten 4 of the games and briefly played another 3..but apparently since I haven't played them all I have to go sit in the corner....riiight.

To Each Man, Responsibility

This doesn't encompass all reviewers though, just a hand picked list of what people backing this list want to believe are the most worthwhile.

Talking with Onimusha12 Super Mario Galaxy has won the most GOY awards thus far this generation, but even he admits his list isn't complete though.

Bioshock deserves GOY as the most unique and refreshing game title to emerge, but not as the best game. It's essentially an FPS for non-FPS gamers, a casual FPS almost. SMG is by far a much better game albeit a completely different genre, but in a franchise stigmatized with such childish beliefs as all Mario games are just the same recycled fodder, no accomplishment in a Nintendo game will ever be enough to surprise people the same way Bioshock did.

This year its SMG vs Bioshock

Last year it was LOZ: Twilight Princess vs Gears of War

A renewed Nintendo classic vs a refreshing and popular FPS.