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This doesn't encompass all reviewers though, just a hand picked list of what people backing this list want to believe are the most worthwhile.

Talking with Onimusha12 Super Mario Galaxy has won the most GOY awards thus far this generation, but even he admits his list isn't complete though.

Bioshock deserves GOY as the most unique and refreshing game title to emerge, but not as the best game. It's essentially an FPS for non-FPS gamers, a casual FPS almost. SMG is by far a much better game albeit a completely different genre, but in a franchise stigmatized with such childish beliefs as all Mario games are just the same recycled fodder, no accomplishment in a Nintendo game will ever be enough to surprise people the same way Bioshock did.

This year its SMG vs Bioshock

Last year it was LOZ: Twilight Princess vs Gears of War

A renewed Nintendo classic vs a refreshing and popular FPS.