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Really is anyone expected to have played all the games on the list? I understand where you are going with that but its a bit unreasonable to expect each and every person to play every game just to give their opinion.

People just need to stop caring what others think so much. My first post actually summed up the entire thread pretty well....

"Its not a horrible list but like most things made by someone else I think you will find there are things about it you don't like....and some will dislike it more than others....shocking revelations to be sure =)"

But really anyone who has played half the original list had a lot of cash and free time to spare during the year and people who put entirely too much time into the hobby are not the only people who should be allowed to have an opinion on the topic.

I'm happy that I've thoroughly beaten 4 of the games and briefly played another 3..but apparently since I haven't played them all I have to go sit in the corner....riiight.

To Each Man, Responsibility