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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Rumor: Retail sources detail how pre-owned sales will work on Xbox One

think-man said:

M$ are so greedy man.....They already make a killing! I can understand the publishers taking a cut but why does M$ need to take another cut?

I agree this system sucks but... The cost of running and maintaining this database and distribution system is obviously going to be offset by the money that MS will make through this. Obviously they will make a profit but not pure profit as they must still make this system work and that will cost them money.

The thing still sucks though. Ugh. My only hope is that at some point 10+ years from now they can shut this system down and people with those legacy XB1s would be able to play any game they pick up.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

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theprof00 said:
And ms forces its own proprietary azure system on all gamestops.
Sony, please take advantage of this.
The opportunity is so very ripe.

What's wrong with that? Azure is an amazing cloud computing system. The strongest of it's kind in the entire world.

If anything the places like GameStop/Amazon/Blockbuster will be more supportive of MS now since they will gain more sales. People will HAVE to trade them in/sell them at those retailers instead of selling them personally so they will get a lot more business which will more than make up for the added publisher/MS cut of used sales.

I think this is freaking brilliant if true. It is likely to not upset many people because they can still sell their games at stores, and it will make a stronger relationship between MS and those retailers.

nightsurge said:
theprof00 said:
And ms forces its own proprietary azure system on all gamestops.
Sony, please take advantage of this.
The opportunity is so very ripe.

What's wrong with that? Azure is an amazing cloud computing system. The strongest of it's kind in the entire world.

If anything the places like GameStop/Amazon/Blockbuster will be more supportive of MS now since they will gain more sales. People will HAVE to trade them in/sell them at those retailers instead of selling them personally so they will get a lot more business which will more than make up for the added publisher/MS cut of used sales.

I think this is freaking brilliant if true. It is likely to not upset many people because they can still sell their games at stores, and it will make a stronger relationship between MS and those retailers.

Why would any gamer want this?  They basically are tellin u who u can sell old games to and for what price.  They are removing the open market that exists on eBay and other online retailers and inserting themselves as a middleman.  This is anti consumer how do people ignore that?

sales2099 said:
Rafux said:
sales2099 said:
Rafux said:
sales2099 said:
I like it. Makes sense and used game sales benefit the industry, not just the retailer.

Why is this the only industry that wants a piece of the used sales market? Music, Movies, Cars, Books, etc, don't  do this kind of anti consumer policies.

That is irrelevant. What I see is more money in MS/Sony pockets, and 3rd parties do less layoffs. Gamestop will still make profits...just less.

As far as the gamer is concerned, they will go about their trading like they always have. I see no downside, unless we all suddenly care about Gamestop quarterly statements being lower all of a sudden.

Is not irrelevant, the gaming industry has always prevailed with used games sales I'm sure this gen have more software sales than any other gen before.

"I see no downside"

What if there's no gamestop or other affiliated store in my country? What if I want to sell my propierty throught ebay or in person? Whatever, don't bother replying you are a lost case, maybe Halo is really that good that you are willing to accept all of this just so they let you play.

I am sure you must have missed the part where this current generation has had the most layoffs and closures then any gen before it....

"What if there's no gamestop or other affiliated store in my country?"

That is a big what if, and now your just fishing.

"I am sure you must have missed the part where this current generation has had the most layoffs and closures then any gen before it..."

I'm sure used game sales are the sole reason why studios are closing and not the high HD budgets this gen brought along. Dude don't try to rationalize this like I said you are a lost cause you already accepted this the moment MS announce it.

mtu9356 said:
nightsurge said:
theprof00 said:
And ms forces its own proprietary azure system on all gamestops.
Sony, please take advantage of this.
The opportunity is so very ripe.

What's wrong with that? Azure is an amazing cloud computing system. The strongest of it's kind in the entire world.

If anything the places like GameStop/Amazon/Blockbuster will be more supportive of MS now since they will gain more sales. People will HAVE to trade them in/sell them at those retailers instead of selling them personally so they will get a lot more business which will more than make up for the added publisher/MS cut of used sales.

I think this is freaking brilliant if true. It is likely to not upset many people because they can still sell their games at stores, and it will make a stronger relationship between MS and those retailers.

Why would any gamer want this?  They basically are tellin u who u can sell old games to and for what price.  They are removing the open market that exists on eBay and other online retailers and inserting themselves as a middleman.  This is anti consumer how do people ignore that?

Would you not sacrifice your consumer rights and privacy to play Halo 12?

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mtu9356 said:
nightsurge said:
theprof00 said:
And ms forces its own proprietary azure system on all gamestops.
Sony, please take advantage of this.
The opportunity is so very ripe.

What's wrong with that? Azure is an amazing cloud computing system. The strongest of it's kind in the entire world.

If anything the places like GameStop/Amazon/Blockbuster will be more supportive of MS now since they will gain more sales. People will HAVE to trade them in/sell them at those retailers instead of selling them personally so they will get a lot more business which will more than make up for the added publisher/MS cut of used sales.

I think this is freaking brilliant if true. It is likely to not upset many people because they can still sell their games at stores, and it will make a stronger relationship between MS and those retailers.

Why would any gamer want this?  They basically are tellin u who u can sell old games to and for what price.  They are removing the open market that exists on eBay and other online retailers and inserting themselves as a middleman.  This is anti consumer how do people ignore that?

It is far better than the alternative of not being able to sell games at all. Like on PC. Yet you dont hear people on PC bitching and complaining about the littlest things. Console gamers have been so spoiled and haven't realized how great they had it. They are just now catching up with what PC gamers have dealt with for quite a while now.

I'm not saying it is good, but it is better than nothing. In fact, on PC, the games prices are lower, they have sales much more often to get games at much lower prices, so in the end the PC spectrum has done away with the need for selling used games because you can still afford the same amount of new ones. PC gamers gave up the "take the game to my friends house to play it" a long time ago unless they wanted to install steam, download the game, etc (Which by the way, you can always copy your Xbox Live gamertag to someone else's console and they would then have access to your games that way).

Perhaps console games will get price reductions and better sales should the used market start to go this way or eventually disappear altogether.

Rafux said:
sales2099 said:
Rafux said:

Is not irrelevant, the gaming industry has always prevailed with used games sales I'm sure this gen have more software sales than any other gen before.

"I see no downside"

What if there's no gamestop or other affiliated store in my country? What if I want to sell my propierty throught ebay or in person? Whatever, don't bother replying you are a lost case, maybe Halo is really that good that you are willing to accept all of this just so they let you play.

I am sure you must have missed the part where this current generation has had the most layoffs and closures then any gen before it....

"What if there's no gamestop or other affiliated store in my country?"

That is a big what if, and now your just fishing.

"I am sure you must have missed the part where this current generation has had the most layoffs and closures then any gen before it..."

I'm sure used game sales are the sole reason why studios are closing and not the high HD budgets this gen brought along. Dude don't try to rationalize this like I said you are a lost cause you already accepted this the moment MS announce it.

Plus the terrible mismanagement that came with HD gaming.  Believe it or not, budgets should be shrinking not expanding.  Devs who went out of business put all their eggs in one basket, made basket looks like trash, and expected it to sell.  This is just an attempt to not solve internal studio problems, which is the problem with any publisher having money issues.  Those huge behemoths should go out of business so someone who knows what they're doing can take their place.  Trying to get money from the used market is only a bandaid solution.

I can see this is how Gamestop will be appeased.

It will kill a lot of other distribution options like small game stores, Gamefly, and private sales and trades.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Rafux said:

"I am sure you must have missed the part where this current generation has had the most layoffs and closures then any gen before it..."

I'm sure used game sales are the sole reason why studios are closing and not the high HD budgets this gen brought along. Dude don't try to rationalize this like I said you are a lost cause you already accepted this the moment MS announce it.

Don't worry, with used game sales under industry control they will understand once the industry finds something new to blame us for.

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Now this would be a dealbreaker for me, let's see how Sony deals with this.

In all, if I would buy a game for 60 euro, play it for a week and finish it and trade it in for what... 5 euro?

I'd be better off buying a car...