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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo E3/ND 2013 Thread: That's A Wrap! The Wait Begins for E3 2014!


gamrConnect, What Game is Your Game of the Show?

Bayonetta 2 (Wii U) 15 14.42%
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U) 4 3.85%
The Legend of Zelda: A Li... 1 0.96%
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD (Wii U) 2 1.92%
Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) 24 23.08%
Pokemon X/Y (3DS) 4 3.85%
Super Mario 3D World (Wii U) 5 4.81%
Super Smash Bros. (3DS/Wii U) 16 15.38%
X (Wii U) 25 24.04%
Other 2 1.92%

My body is ready!

Around the Network

That picture is just so wrong


Less than 3 days...

oh life is dominated by did you do this to me Nintendo!

Hmm. I noticed a bunch of the boxes have Thurs written on them. Either those are for returning the stuff or there is a another Direct Wednesday night

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

Around the Network
AstroGamer said:
Hmm. I noticed a bunch of the boxes have Thurs written on them. Either those are for returning the stuff or there is a another Direct Wednesday night

nah, probably the day they got there, last thursday

AstroGamer said:
Hmm. I noticed a bunch of the boxes have Thurs written on them. Either those are for returning the stuff or there is a another Direct Wednesday night

Why would they have boxes at E3 itself for a Direct?

The "Thur" is probably a delivery date. As in, they were to be delivered by the 6th, or they arrived on the 6th, or something like that.

Aielyn said:
AstroGamer said:
Hmm. I noticed a bunch of the boxes have Thurs written on them. Either those are for returning the stuff or there is a another Direct Wednesday night

Why would they have boxes at E3 itself for a Direct?

The "Thur" is probably a delivery date. As in, they were to be delivered by the 6th, or they arrived on the 6th, or something like that.

It could be like last year, where they had the 3DS showcase and then had the final day with stations of the games they showed off in the 3DS Showcase but not earlier

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

I hope smeags and Myak do not care... I had a little bit of free time...


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064

Its night of the first day, 60 hours remain. (Actually less). All Nintendo needs to do is show that Smash trailer and have it be awesome, and I am content. :)

Estelle and Adol... best characters ever! XD