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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS4 has "50% more raw power" in graphics than Xbox One, says report

Hynad said:

Why do you say it's "a very big possibly not"?  

Why would multiplat games be treated differently than during the 7th gen, where most of them looked and performed better on the 360?


There is a policy that multiplat games have to look at least on pair in the Microsoft console

I expect a lot of cases like FFXIII this gen and the guys here saying I'm a bullshiter.

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I like that Xbone and PS4 use the same architecture. It is easy to say which one is more powerful. The only thing that can save Xbone multiplats is MS money and policy.

A notch below the PS4, was expected really.

leo-j said:
could the difference be equivalent to GC to Wii?

Had to quote this as its the best comparison. (Albeit a little less actually)


Gaming on: PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES Mini, Wii U, PC (i5-7400, GTX 1060)

Multiplats will still look the same, exclusives will probably look better on the PS4 though.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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ethomaz said:
AnthonyW86 said:

And can people please stop calling it Xbox 1, because then you are reffering to the first Xbox. It's One!

I'm not a native English... so are there difference between 1 and One?

Only if you are antsy. One is 1. The xbox was the xbox. It wasn't called xbox 1. Just "xbox".

A bit of common sense should play it's part and most people would figure out the xbox 1 or one is the same.

Google "xbox 1" and you well see most gaming websites are already calling it "xbox 1" already anyway so he had better get use to it.

Anyone know where is the secret sauce that was promised. Was that Kinect? Also graphics be damned. Both are going to do 1080P native (hopefully). It would be nice to get higher frame rates though.

Johnathan Blow tweeted how the difference might be better frame rates than how many pixels are in Drake face or Chief's helmet. Take it with grain of salt but i think higher frame rates would be better than more hair on the arms. 

flagstaad said:

So PS4 vs Xbox One difference is around 50% in favor of PS4.

% difference between Xbox One vs Wii U? Wii U x 3 = Xbox One? more? less?

How big was the Wii vs Xbox360 difference?

More - if WiiU's GPU is indeed 320 shader part as rumored, then One is around 5x WiiU and PS4 is around 7-8x.

360 is around 8x Wii. (this is educated guess after lot of time researching the matter back in a day)

justinian said:
Is there a significant performance increase with the PS4 GDDR5 over Xbox 1's DDR3?

What I mean is would the difference be noticed in the real world?

Does this memory play a big part in the alleged "50 percent"?

I am no techy expert and most of the stuff I read about the whole thing left me more confused than when I started.

No, the 50% is just in comparing the GPUs.  The faster RAM is just icing on the cake, so to speak.

HoloDust said:
flagstaad said:

So PS4 vs Xbox One difference is around 50% in favor of PS4.

% difference between Xbox One vs Wii U? Wii U x 3 = Xbox One? more? less?

How big was the Wii vs Xbox360 difference?

More - if WiiU's GPU is indeed 320 shader part as rumored, then One is around 5x WiiU and PS4 is around 7-8x.

360 is around 8x Wii. (this is educated guess after lot of time researching the matter back in a day)

more like 3/4 times by gpu flops if its said 320 part