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Forums - Sony Discussion - I Believe GT6 Will Score 92-94 At Metacritic. And You?

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sales2099 said:
Make it more it will score higher then Forza 5 :)

Now thats a mans bet. I'd take you on with that.

I think it will score higher than Forza 5

I wanna bet with you.

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ethomaz said:
sales2099 said:
Make it more it will score higher then Forza 5 :)

Now thats a mans bet. I'd take you on with that.

I think it will score higher than Forza 5

I wanna bet with you.

You're on!


Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:

You're on!


I don't how to do that... well I will try.

F5 > GT6 you win
GT6 > F5 I win
GT6 = F5 nobody wins

Metascores added until 1 month after the release.

Avatar and sig control for 1 month?

ethomaz said:

sales2099 said:

You're on!


I don't how to do that... well I will try.

F5 > GT6 you win
GT6 > F5 I win
GT6 = F5 nobody wins

Metascores added until 1 month after the release.

Avatar and sig control for 1 month?

Agreed. And by "metascores added", you mean waiting a month after so the metas stabilize? Because Im cool with that. 

It is on! :)

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 



I was walking down along the street and I heard this voice saying, "Good evening, Mr. Dowd." Well, I turned around and here was this big six-foot rabbit leaning up against a lamp-post. Well, I thought nothing of that because when you've lived in a town as long as I've lived in this one, you get used to the fact that everybody knows your name.

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Its gonna be on 80's because its not next-gen. Since commercial reviewers are tech reviewers, they went give it a 90 score no matter how good it is.

sales2099 said:

Agreed. And by "metascores added", you mean waiting a month after so the metas stabilize? Because Im cool with that.

It is on! :)

That's it

GT6 will score around Around 84-86

Forza 4 scored higher. Critics have chosen it has the best racer on the market. There is no reason for that to change this year.

Below 90.

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

94? no way, but i believe it will score at least 90.