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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I Wish Microsoft Never Entered The Gaming Business (From a Nintendo POV)

CGI-Quality said:
Capulous said:
CGI-Quality said:

It's clear that price was the only point I made, but since I know I'm not getting anywhere, you're right, no need to waste my time further. 

You claimed that Sony problems came mainly from themselves. You clearly attempted to argue that the year headstart and the cost as the main points. Sony had no control on when and how MS launched. MS entering the console market, very likely, had an effect on the cost of the PS3. I argued both these points and yet you keep trying to bring up costs without adding anything of substance to the discussion. I'll just leave it at that. Have a good day.

I said I was done, but apparently, you really are having trouble. I will only attempt this one last time:

PS3's early problems mainly stem from...

- $600 price tag (main issue)

- Year behind (secondary, but a big issue)

- Lack  of software

- Poor (and bizarre) marketing

Only one of those was out of their power (and even then, it's to an extent). Microsoft put a beating on them, I've made this clear from the beginning, but wouldn't have done this without Sony's own hand in the pot. They were able to capitalize on crucial mistakes they put fourth, themselves, grabbing once exclusives and buyers scared off from the early price point(s). It also didn't help that Nintendo captured a large chunk of early consumers due to price (once again, and no matter how much you minimize it, this is the biggest issue they've faced all gen) and motion controls.

These days, they are correcting many of the issues, and despite all of those problems, they will still outsell the 360. I'm convinced had those 4 issues not been an problem, MS wouldn't have made anywhere close to the progress they did on Sony gen-over-gen.

Actually, I am fine. However from the tone of your posts... are you sure you are not the one having troubles?

1) price tag - I clearly stated how I believe MS's presence in the console market contributed to this. You just keep saying price and Sony set it. Why did Sony need to do this?

2) year head start - yea, we discussed this point. glad we agreed on this one.

3) lack of software - consoles always launch with a limited number of of titles. It didn't help that MS gained a lot of support from 3rd parties, and most of these games were available on both systems. MS had a hand in this due to support they gave 3rd parties as well as financial assistances.

4) Advertisement was fine. Although they may not have had as much as Xbox, there still were plenty of advertisements for the PS3. Lets not forget the brand name it carries.

I never said price didn't matter. I actually said it did; I didn't attempt to minimize it. I bought up a reason on why the PS3 had such a cost. A lot of this stuff is cause and effect. Very rarely does something just happen without anything to cause it. You think Sony just said oh, lets just throw everything into this system and sell it for $500/$600? MS's entry into the market had it's effect.

As for sales, good for PS3. I've said plenty of times, it is good to have all three of these companies successful for innovation and competition. Unlike many here, I do not care who gets first, second, or third. I hope to have all of them around in this business for a long time. I will say this again though; MS's success had a lot more to do with what they did right and were willing to do to get a foothold in the market. Tripling their previous user base and still growing.

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I feel the same way about Sega. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if Sony never entered the gaming business. The Saturn would have done better and the Dreamcast would have prevailed. The gaming industry was never the same the moment Sega left the console business. It's sad but all good things come to an end eventually. Sony got really arrogant and complacent during the PS2 days and we needed a company the size of Microsoft to put them in their place.

CGI-Quality said:
Dmick90 said:
I feel the same way about Sega. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if Sony never entered the gaming business. The Saturn would have done better and the Dreamcast would have prevailed. The gaming industry was never the same the moment Sega left the console business. It's sad but all good things come to an end eventually. Sony got really arrogant and complacent during the PS2 days and we needed a company the size of Microsoft to put them in their place.

Two things...

- Like Sony, Sega made much of their own bed. Differences, they didn't have the financial strength to weather the storm.

- I'm not sure what "place" Sony needed to be in, but of late, their position looks to be shifting in their favor. :P

Nintendo is making much of their own bed as well. They're not perfect, they have made mistakes too. Not every single product they release will be a hit, they're bound to fail at some point. Sega made a few poor decisions but probably would have recovered if Sony never entered the market. They would still be making consoles.

Not sure if Sony's position is shifting in their favor, they are doing better but not in the North American market. Sony needed to be taken down a few notches by Microsoft. A healthy competition is always good for the industry.

Dmick90 said:
I feel the same way about Sega. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if Sony never entered the gaming business. The Saturn would have done better and the Dreamcast would have prevailed. The gaming industry was never the same the moment Sega left the console business. It's sad but all good things come to an end eventually. Sony got really arrogant and complacent during the PS2 days and we needed a company the size of Microsoft to put them in their place.

100% agree here!

Well, if they hadn't they would be most likely working with Sony. Not sure how well that would have work out for Nintendo either.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

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CGI-Quality said:
Dmick90 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Dmick90 said:
I feel the same way about Sega. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if Sony never entered the gaming business. The Saturn would have done better and the Dreamcast would have prevailed. The gaming industry was never the same the moment Sega left the console business. It's sad but all good things come to an end eventually. Sony got really arrogant and complacent during the PS2 days and we needed a company the size of Microsoft to put them in their place.

Two things...

- Like Sony, Sega made much of their own bed. Differences, they didn't have the financial strength to weather the storm.

- I'm not sure what "place" Sony needed to be in, but of late, their position looks to be shifting in their favor. :P

Nintendo is making much of their own bed as well. They're not perfect, they have made mistakes too. Not every single product they release will be a hit, they're bound to fail at some point. Sega made a few poor decisions but probably would have recovered if Sony never entered the market. They would still be making consoles.

Not sure if Sony's position is shifting in their favor, they are doing better but not in the North American market. Sony needed to be taken down a few notches by Microsoft. A healthy competition is always good for the industry.

In terms of market position, they have improved tremendously and even with the things against the PS3, will pull out of last place. This is all while losing the NA market.

Compeititon is good, yes, but it is what it is right now.

It's not over until the fat lady sing.When microsoft launches xbox 360 mini it could spur sales and they could reclaim the lead.

CGI-Quality said:
Dmick90 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Dmick90 said:

Nintendo is making much of their own bed as well. They're not perfect, they have made mistakes too. Not every single product they release will be a hit, they're bound to fail at some point. Sega made a few poor decisions but probably would have recovered if Sony never entered the market. They would still be making consoles.

Not sure if Sony's position is shifting in their favor, they are doing better but not in the North American market. Sony needed to be taken down a few notches by Microsoft. A healthy competition is always good for the industry.

In terms of market position, they have improved tremendously and even with the things against the PS3, will pull out of last place. This is all while losing the NA market.

Compeititon is good, yes, but it is what it is right now.

It's not over until the fat lady sing.When microsoft launches xbox 360 mini it could spur sales and they could reclaim the lead.

Sure, but that's unlikely, especially given all Sony would have to do is cut the price. Also, considering the extra market(s) the PS3 will sell in, it will probably retain that lead without too much trouble.

Says the girl with the weird eyes...