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Forums - Sony Discussion - CONFIRMED: Gran Turismo 6 announced for PS3, releasing Holiday 2013

Sony please release this on PS3, PSVita and a enhanced version for PS4 this Christmas. GT6 would be huge!

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Soriku said:

Why would GT6 on the PS4 go down in price faster than the PS3? Wouldn't it make more sense for it to be the other way around considering that GT6 would be a game that people would like to pick up with their PS4 purchase, while on the PS3 people would want a cheap game since it'd be on an old console? Zelda: Twilight Princess on the Wii didn't even go down in price that much till it was made a Nintendo Select. There's also Fire Emblem on the Wii that's expensive.

Also I believe that the first GT game ends up selling more than the second one (GT1 > GT2, GT3 > GT4...GT5 > GT6?).

You said "in the long run"  and in the long run the game will go down in price, and I don't think that GT6 will sell that much full-price on PS4 like it would on PS3.

I think Sony doesn't want to risk losing millions by putting their biggest franchise on a new console hoping that people will be willing to buy the console just to play the game. They're probably doing it just to make up for the losses they'll be taking on the PS4, I think?

Player1x3 said:

Sony is more about making profit than winning the first 3 months of sales race. And from the finnancial standpoint, GT6 on PS3 makes more sense. Smaller development cost ( I assume ) on a profitable console with bigger userbase where the game itself would sell better. I also dont think Sony would really mind one of their own consoles is outselling the other

There is no knowing if it would sell more units on PS3 than it would on PS4. Stop using that as some kind of excuse. Its pure speculation. Again, the best selling Gran Turismo game launched on a console that was less than 1 Year old.


Nem said:
enditall727 said:
Player1x3 said:
Carl2291 said:
Player1x3 said:

Its not about promoting PS4 sales, its about GT6 sales. And GT6 would sell 10 times better on PS3. 

The best selling GT game is GT3. It released on PS2 1 Year after JP launch, ~7(?) Months after NA/EU launch.

You dont need to launch on a big userbase to sell well.

There's no guarantee PS4 will start to sell like PS2 did. Also, bundles. Lots of bundles

It wont sell like the PS2 unless its launched at $299 and recieves 2 exclusive blockbusters in its 1st holiday(Gran Turismo and Grand Theft Auto).


That will be pretty hard to top dont you think?

I actually remember the launch line-up of the PS2 beeing quite poor. Tekken Tag and Ridge racer were the best games on that lin-up wich speaks for itself. I never really understood the PS2 launch. It was pretty bad, but people were badly craving next gen after denying themselves the joy that was the dreamcast for some unkown reason. I never really got that. GT might have had a role in it, but back then they didnt have a competing franchise like Drive Club.

Lets face it, if both games were released early in the PS4 life, drive club would certainly fail because people would just wait for GT.

Yep, it was a lacking launch for the most part being that Fantavision was the only Sony game at launch.


DriveClub is the appetizer and GT7 is the full course meal. Instead of being deprived, PS4 will have Drive Club to quench the driving bases's thirst until GT7 arrives

I hope it comes out for both consoles. But it's not like I won't get it if it's only for the PS3. I am a bit concerned with what the post says about the car list though...All the same cars plus 200 or so more? Wouldn't we want the newer versions of a lot of the cars on the car list?

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Carl2291 said:
Player1x3 said:

Sony is more about making profit than winning the first 3 months of sales race. And from the finnancial standpoint, GT6 on PS3 makes more sense. Smaller development cost ( I assume ) on a profitable console with bigger userbase where the game itself would sell better. I also dont think Sony would really mind one of their own consoles is outselling the other

There is no knowing if it would sell more units on PS3 than it would on PS4. Stop using that as some kind of excuse. Its pure speculation. Again, the best selling Gran Turismo game launched on a console that was less than 1 Year old.

Cmon should know better than this 

Soriku said:
Deyon said:
Soriku said:

Why would GT6 on the PS4 go down in price faster than the PS3? Wouldn't it make more sense for it to be the other way around considering that GT6 would be a game that people would like to pick up with their PS4 purchase, while on the PS3 people would want a cheap game since it'd be on an old console? Zelda: Twilight Princess on the Wii didn't even go down in price that much till it was made a Nintendo Select. There's also Fire Emblem on the Wii that's expensive.

Also I believe that the first GT game ends up selling more than the second one (GT1 > GT2, GT3 > GT4...GT5 > GT6?).

You said "in the long run"  and in the long run the game will go down in price, and I don't think that GT6 will sell that much full-price on PS4 like it would on PS3.

I think Sony doesn't want to risk losing millions by putting their biggest franchise on a new console hoping that people will buy it. They're probably doing it just to make up for the losses they'll be taking on the PS4, I think?

In the long run it would be beneficial to have GT6 on the PS4 because it's such a big IP. By putting GT6 on the PS3 they're telling a lot of people not to buy a PS4 yet.

It's "safer" to put GT6 on the PS3 but that's a short term way to get money. GT6 would still sell well on the PS4, and help prop the PS4 up earlier.

Ok, i dont think you understand how Sony rolls. Yes, they are saying buy the PS3. They make good profit on it. You know... the PS3 is still priced at around 250 euros. The PS2 launched at little more than that and only exited the market when it cost under 100. The PS3 is not exiting the market any time soon. Sony wants you to buy it on the cheap side if you havent already. Its the products milk cow stage. They want to milk it. ^^

Think of the new consoles as big Vitas. They are gonna come to mark territory. They wont take off for another 2 years. Not at the price they are expected anyways.

Seems like a poor decision unless they are already working on GT7.

I also agree with the notion that GT6 would help sell the PS4. Sony's biggest IP should really be a must for launch. Hell, If it's not on the PS4 I'm waiting to buy a PS4.

I think its a brilliant move by Sony, releasing GT6 for PS3 (along with vita would have been better).. it shows the confidence they have knowing that PD has GT7 already in the development for PS4 for 2014 release.. and drive club for the launch... they did the same thing with Resistance and Killzone series

And also the 80 mil user base suddenly wont just stop playing their PS3 coz PS4 launched,
and also people like me living in country were console launch are always a year late, GT6 is an exciting prospect for us..

And for the whole picture, this show how much Sony is committed in supporting PS3 even as PS4 looms large, unlike MS