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Nem said:
enditall727 said:
Player1x3 said:
Carl2291 said:
Player1x3 said:

Its not about promoting PS4 sales, its about GT6 sales. And GT6 would sell 10 times better on PS3. 

The best selling GT game is GT3. It released on PS2 1 Year after JP launch, ~7(?) Months after NA/EU launch.

You dont need to launch on a big userbase to sell well.

There's no guarantee PS4 will start to sell like PS2 did. Also, bundles. Lots of bundles

It wont sell like the PS2 unless its launched at $299 and recieves 2 exclusive blockbusters in its 1st holiday(Gran Turismo and Grand Theft Auto).


That will be pretty hard to top dont you think?

I actually remember the launch line-up of the PS2 beeing quite poor. Tekken Tag and Ridge racer were the best games on that lin-up wich speaks for itself. I never really understood the PS2 launch. It was pretty bad, but people were badly craving next gen after denying themselves the joy that was the dreamcast for some unkown reason. I never really got that. GT might have had a role in it, but back then they didnt have a competing franchise like Drive Club.

Lets face it, if both games were released early in the PS4 life, drive club would certainly fail because people would just wait for GT.

Yep, it was a lacking launch for the most part being that Fantavision was the only Sony game at launch.


DriveClub is the appetizer and GT7 is the full course meal. Instead of being deprived, PS4 will have Drive Club to quench the driving bases's thirst until GT7 arrives