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Forums - Sony Discussion - ethomaz's #15YearsOfGT Live Thread (GT6 PS3 2013; GT5 10.66M)

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kowenicki said:
ethomaz said:
Do you guys folow the GTPlanet community? Everybody there thinks the PS3 is the best move.

People need to understand GT lives in another world... PS4 is not a plataform read for it yet.

I dont think people here are saying it bad for GT fans, its bad for Sony.  Its very very bad timing. 

Releasing their biggest exclusive for the PS3 at the same time as the PS4 launches?  Seems odd to me.

Would it be sensible for Microsoft to release thier next halo for 360 at the same time as the next xbox?  No, it would be silly.

well, i said it would be bad for gt fans if that would mean that the first gt for ps4 will only come in 2016 or so. i would prefer gt6 holidays 2014 and only made for ps4. but if they can release gt7 holiday 2015 it would be also fine to release gt6 now for ps3. that would be only one year later to wait as for a ps4 gt in 2014 and you would already get a new gt in 2013 but for the old console.

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ethomaz said:
Do you guys folow the GTPlanet community? Everybody there thinks the PS3 is the best move.

People need to understand GT lives in another world... PS4 is not a plataform read for it yet.

What's your point?

The general opinion on a forum for a game measn diddly squat to anyone or anything.

GT6 on PS4 is a given.

That doesn't even mean anything, go rinse your head under cold tap. :p smoke and mirrors doesn't work anymore mate.

What is ur problem guys ? GT6 on PS3 will be amazing.

@kowen you always said the companies needs profit... GT is a money maker on PS3 but not for PS4 yet... Sony needs money, so why the GT6 for PS3 is bad for Sony?

It is the right decision in my view.

I think they will say GT7 is for PS4 and a Prologue version will be release first... my guesses is for holiday 2014 the GT7:P.

Vita will receive its own version of GT... maybe GT Vita.


Do you know why the only site to have a exclusive interview with Kaz today is Jordan for GTPlanet?

GTPlanet is bigger and the only place PD get user feedback and ideias for the games....

GT fans are expecting GT for PS3 because nobody whants to move to PS4 yet... they don't care about PS4 right now... they want to play the next GT.

For fans and Sony financial.... GT6 on PS3 is the best move.

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ethomaz said:
@kowen you always said the companies needs profit... GT is a money maker on PS3 but not for PS4 yet... Sony needs money, so why the GT6 for PS3 is bad for Sony?

It is the right decision in my view.

I think they will say GT7 is for PS4 and a Prologue version will be release first... my guesses is for holiday 2014 the GT7:P.

Vita will receive its own version of GT... maybe GT Vita.

i'm not kowen but i think  that is the reason why he thinks gt6 should be for ps4 - to make more money for sony in the long run. it wouldn't sell much worse with the legs a gt game has. gt for ps3 will sell much better the first months but won't have awesome legs, gt6 for ps4 would sell much worse the first time but have better legs and would also increase the ps4 sales which would also mean other games would sell better and bring more royalties for sony.

ethomaz said:

Do you know why the only site to have a exclusive interview with Kaz today is Jordan for GTPlanet?

GTPlanet is bigger and the only place PD get user feedback and ideias for the games....

GT fans are expecting GT for PS3 because nobody whants to move to PS4 yet... they don't care about PS4 right now... they want to play the next GT.

For fans and Sony financial.... GT6 on PS3 is the best move.

but you will buy a ps4 early (as much as i know) so why should you care about other gt fans? what is better for you, gt 6 with better graphics and physics or gt for ps3 because other people don't want to buy a ps4 anytime soon?

i'm sure xbox live is more profitable as psn, maybe you should ask sony for this system since it's better for sony's financials

ok GT6 for ps3 just makes sense to me. With the ps3 install base the game can sell alot of copies at full price making Sony some much needed money. then GT7 coming a few years later on ps4 will have a larger install base to sell to meaning more full price sales than if GT6 was a early ps4 game. also GT6 wont be hindered by a lack of knowledge of the new ps4 tech, im sure come GT7 they will have had time to make a great ps4 game after learning how to use it to its capacity (maybe not its capacity but you get me). i can understand the arguement though that GT6 on ps4 could push ps4 sales.

Also want a REAL GT on my Vita, the PSP game was disappointing.


What make more money for you 5-7 million units sold at $60... or 500k sold at $60 + 7 million at $20 or less.

Sony needs money... they hav Drive Club for nona-GT fans on PS4 launch.

@crissindahouse are you sure xbl is more profitable than psn, ever think that people may choose ps3 over 360 because of the free online? a consale sale is worth more than a sub fee. also ps+ must be making decent money