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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Durango has always had 8 gigs GDDR5, sony matched specs

walsufnir said:
maximrace said:

According to neogaf user and blizzard cinematic animator Vustadumas the next xbox has always had 8 gigs of GDDR5. It was sony who changed specs to match, not the other way around.



I smell bullshit. The post is old, the thread moved on without further notice because there wasn't any proof for his statement.

A thread relying on one single post on GAF is useless in my opinion.

Yes, because the proof of the next Xbox being called the Xbox Infinity was so solid.

There was a very clear bit of evidence that the Xbox Infinity logo was fake.  It's called continuity, and I won't delve further, but the logo failed to follow that continuity.  Yet, with scant evidence, and no factual proof, rumor blossomed.   Article upon article reported on the strength of one unsubstantiated rumor that indeed the next Xbox would be called the Infinity.  Yet the only name Microsoft has trade marked is Xbox 8.

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it looks like both machines will be almost identical regardless if this is true. Whoever can offer the best value will get my money.

Saw this a while ago, filed under rumor like everything else. 7 days left peeps.

Wait a second. If the 720 matches the PS4 spec for spec, including an expensive 8 gigs of GDDR5, while also sporting Kinect 2.0 as a standard feature, aren't we climbing to a potentially dangerous price-point? I have trouble believing Microsoft would take too much of a loss or allow the PS4 to have a major pricing advantage.

crissindahouse said:
Areym said:
Doesn't matter who changed what, as long as both are on equal footing, we can all rejoice...not.

would be great if both would have exactly the same specs, would be so much easier for devs and reduce costs.

It would greatly improve code portability, but there would still be significant differences.  PS4 developers are able to directly access the hardware, it doesn't appear that Xbox 8 developers will have that ability.  However, what improvements Microsoft makes for Direct X on the console is currently unknown.  But regardless, it still means developers would have to access the API rather than the hardware directly.  Effectively this means one would have to scrub the code of the direct calls and replace them with the API calls through .NET.  As long as there is 1:1 functionality, then there should be few if any significant differences between games. 

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We'll find out soon enough I'd say. As for who had what first....hardly matters. What counts is what's in the boxes come release

pokoko said:
Wait a second. If the 720 matches the PS4 spec for spec, including an expensive 8 gigs of GDDR5, while also sporting Kinect 2.0 as a standard feature, aren't we climbing to a potentially dangerous price-point? I have trouble believing Microsoft would take too much of a loss or allow the PS4 to have a major pricing advantage.

The PSeye is also rumored to be included with every PS4.

Wouldn't that be funny if true? Oh the Irony.

Ps4 has 8gb of gddr5 because the apu strength increases dramatically with it.
Nextbox has no reason to use gddr5.
Dev kits showed 8gb ddr3 with 512esram, which is a completely different way to enhance the power of the system.
Ie; for ms, the ESRAM is their gddr5...its just not as good, but cheaper indeed.

walsufnir said:
pokoko said:
Wait a second. If the 720 matches the PS4 spec for spec, including an expensive 8 gigs of GDDR5, while also sporting Kinect 2.0 as a standard feature, aren't we climbing to a potentially dangerous price-point? I have trouble believing Microsoft would take too much of a loss or allow the PS4 to have a major pricing advantage.

The PSeye is also rumored to be included with every PS4.

that not a rumor i thought they said it at their event?