Chandler said: Can anybody explain why the preorder charts always look like Japan is Sony dominated and why actual sales charts look very different? Is there no pre order mentality for Nintendo games because no fear of stock shortage? Because no pre order incentives (for the most part)? What is it? |
Most of these games have been on the chart for months because they have been availible for preorder for months. If pokemon was availible for preorder when it was announced it would be on the charts for a long time. JoJo has been on their for at least 3 months and is still 3 months+ away from releasing. Also their are more releases for Sony consoles then Nintendo consoles atm.
It took me like 10 attempts to get the page to work. Boo.
Anyway, yes. What Baldr said.
Also Vita: thumb up. Summon Night: two thumbs up. In fact, stuff happening all over the chart today!
I cannot wait to pick up Summon Night in a few days.
By pick up I mean buy digitally. For Vita.
I'm not even on the first page :( But hey! Get in Boutros!
Summon Night could reach 300.
Minor refresh in 11 days. I like. Bring on Monster Hunter. Nintendopie Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)
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