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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

Jranation said:
Im hoping TMS#FE will do better this time!

I'd honestly be surprised if it didnt.  Wii U was very much in the limelight of it's short not so succesful career, Switch is in it's primeyears. 

Marth said:
hunter_alien said:

IMO even if it wont break any opening records, I am still seeing it as an easy million+ seller. The Switch is on fire right now and DQXI was well received, so I don't see why not. 

You are way more optimistic than me.

My guess is 500k LTD at best.

Its a very late port of a game that released on PS4, 3DS and PC so the majority of people who really wanted Dragon Quest have already played it.

It's not just a basic port. The added content is so incredibly generous, DQ fans dont want to miss out.

Luke888 said:

So will Daemon outsell Astral Chain in Japan ? I think it definitely caters more to the japanese audience but I don't think the sales will be that different on the long run (I expect Daemon to have a stronger opening though)

Dont think so, Astral Chain sold through 85% of initial shipment in it's first 3 days. Great WoM, High e-shop sales.. I sadly think Daemon will struggle despite it's heavy promotion by Nintendo.. 

But I would be happy to see DxM do well but I have my doubts.

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Will DQXI be the first 3rd party Switch game to hit 100 points?

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:
Will DQXI be the first 3rd party Switch game to hit 100 points?

I sure hope so, though I fear Link is stealing his thunder in terms of preorders now

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The streak continues for P5! Code Vein with a good increase. DS is moving again.

All of the Switch games in the top 14 got points!

It looks like I jinxed P5. At least Ryza increased. Come on Ys.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
zorg1000 said:
Will DQXI be the first 3rd party Switch game to hit 100 points?

I sure hope so, though I fear Link is stealing his thunder in terms of preorders now

not on comgnet! (so far at least)