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Final Fantasy doing great in the last days!!! Don't disappoint me, I hope for a good ratio!!!

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Good day FFXV. 500p is a maybe

FFXV still doing well. Nice to see.

tbone51 said:
Good day FFXV. 500p is a maybe

nah, will probably be around 470p huge disappiontment.

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Awesome monday! Keep it up until another huge on the weekends!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Go FFXV!! Game is still flop compared to the previous mainline games but at least it's doing well on its last days.
The Last Guardian seems to be deader than dead.

think-man said:
tbone51 said:
Good day FFXV. 500p is a maybe

nah, will probably be around 470p huge disappiontment.

Its a huge improvemeny from what many thought a month ago. Ratio has to be really good. I still doubt itll do under 550k fw. But know i doubt itll be much over 750k. 800k looks to be the max, unless a miracle happens lol

Gundam went out with a bang on Vita. Good. I wonder which version will sell best.

Now SaGa, please stop bombing :(

think-man said:

nah, will probably be around 470p huge disappiontment.

Well, it's not FFXV's fault the pre orders are disappointing, it's FFXIII's because of the bad reputation it gave to the series. However the game will probably have bigger legs if the game is well received in Japan. There is not that many PS4 consoles sold in Japan so don't expect miracles either.