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Roketan said:
Acevil said:

See you can say what you want about Final Fantasy XV, but it really was 13 franchise that did the damage to the brand, 13 was not well receieved in Japan compared to rest, it was actually the first place to give warning signs of the game

Are you sure? Didn't japanese voted Lighting as the best FF heroine in a poll? Also XIII-2 managed to sell 900k which i don't think it could if the first one had a bad reception.

Yes I am sure about my assertion, you do know the decline between between X (well received by everyone) and X-2 was not as high. X was like 2.7 and X-2 was like 2.1 (which is about 75-80% of the first entry).

Where XIII-2 0.9Mil is 50% of XIIII 1.87Mil pretty much. 

I did not say it was universally hated, I said 13 did damage to the brand. 

Also I had to put my bias for X aside, I actually prefer XIII over X (Only because I really do not like Tidus or Wakka, but that is whole different story), but I can see one game being enjoyed by the majority, where the other is sort of 50/50ish.

(Also is the site refreshing slowly for anyone else, it took forever for me to post my response). 

More Add: VXIII, I still think it was a bit 50/50ish, and not as well received due to various reasons, again not universally hated. I think a lot of mehs were in there. I think it is the overall franchise that damaged it, but I hold responsibility on 13 to start that trend. 


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Roketan said:
kopstudent89 said:
Bloody hell FF.. Never seen the franchise lacking any interest before

FFXHD in Japan was a big success though. Sold 500k on a system that was dying (PS3) and on a system that was still lacking in sales (PSVITA). This is proof that FF is still alive in Japan, and that FFXV can't gather interest because it doesn't look like a FF game.

I agree with you, FFXV it's not what i'm looking for when i buy a Final Fantasy game, is completely different in comparison with others entries (XII too, but not like this).

That's what i think, i don't know the situation of the japanese gamers, but is very possible that FFXV it is not appealing to them, i can't see a Final Fantasy game in XV, if it wasn't for the Tetsuya Nomura designs...

I hope for a XVI more "FF style", a man can dream :D

BraLoD said:
Locke_Cole said:

I agree with you, FFXV it's not what i'm looking for when i buy a Final Fantasy game, is completely different in comparison with others entries (XII too, but not like this).

That's what i think, i don't know the situation of the japanese gamers, but is very possible that FFXV it is not appealing to them, i can't see a Final Fantasy game in XV, if it wasn't for the Tetsuya Nomura designs...

I hope for a XVI more "FF style", a man can dream :D

Did you play XII? It's my favorite.

Final Fantasy is always different, that's the deal with the franchise, some people like some and dislike other, while other people like those other dislike and dislike those other like.

There is just no "FF style", it's not because the ones you, or someone else, likes is not what is coming this time, that this is not FF.

As XV reminds me of XII on some aspects, I'm extremely excited with it.

I don't think XV reminds me of XII at all. To be honest, I like Final Fantasy XII too, but I'm not even a bit excited for XV.

Honestly speaking, those that are comparing past games to XV, XV really does feel like XIII (8) (Setting, Style, Atmosphere) Meets XII (12) (Gameplay aka Gambit System, Open Environment) .

These are the closest I can compare it. 


BraLoD said:
Locke_Cole said:

I agree with you, FFXV it's not what i'm looking for when i buy a Final Fantasy game, is completely different in comparison with others entries (XII too, but not like this).

That's what i think, i don't know the situation of the japanese gamers, but is very possible that FFXV it is not appealing to them, i can't see a Final Fantasy game in XV, if it wasn't for the Tetsuya Nomura designs...

I hope for a XVI more "FF style", a man can dream :D

...Final Fantasy is always different...

Not at all...

After FFX, yes, without a doubt, when the franchise started to lose it's identity, not before.

There is a "FF style", in Nes, Snes, and PSX the franchise "evolved" respecting the basis, i hope for a "evolution" of that formula, FF needs to recover that essence. 

This is all about opinions, that's mine, but i respect yours.

PD: I played all FF, the last i liked??, FFX...

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Locke_Cole said:
BraLoD said:

...Final Fantasy is always different...

Not at all...

After FFX, yes, without a doubt, when the franchise started to lose it's identity, not before.

I disagree, ever since it moved past 5 it was changed. Change isn't bad, it isn't always good either. 


Acevil said:
Locke_Cole said:

Not at all...

After FFX, yes, without a doubt, when the franchise started to lose it's identity, not before.

I disagree, ever since it moved past 5 it was changed. Change isn't bad, it isn't always good either. 

The franchise was born in that way, different characters, different worlds, stories, enviroments, ability systems, but keeping the "core gameplay", that is (was) the philosophy of Final Fantasy.

Locke_Cole said:
Acevil said:

I disagree, ever since it moved past 5 it was changed. Change isn't bad, it isn't always good either. 

The franchise was born in that way, different characters, different worlds, stories, enviroments, ability systems, but keeping the "core gameplay", that is (was) the philosophy of Final Fantasy.


Didnt know lunar, BoF, Golden sun and prolly hundreds rpg out there belong to FF series.


Back to the topic, i just realized the difference between top5 and the rest is so huge. Pokemon still going strong even with all of those NX handheld rumors

Locke_Cole said:
Acevil said:

I disagree, ever since it moved past 5 it was changed. Change isn't bad, it isn't always good either. 

The franchise was born in that way, different characters, different worlds, stories, enviroments, ability systems, but keeping the "core gameplay", that is (was) the philosophy of Final Fantasy.

I always felt the main principle with Final Fantasy is using the best technology with RPG as the gameplay. 


Acevil said:
Roketan said:

Someone who knows japanese should tell us what the japanese are thinking regarding FFXV. Like, if they like the locations, gameplay, what they see etc.

I don't think that the mainstream has left. And by mainstream i mean the 10million that bought PS3 and not the mainstream that bought PS2 because that mainstream doesn't exist anymore. For example MGSV is on it's way to outsell MGSIV in Japan (if it hasn't already). Dark Souls 3 outsold Dark Souls 2 if we include digital sales. Persona 5 will sell more than any Persona game. All the games i mentioned right now sell on the range 300k-700k which isn't a niche number.

See you can say what you want about Final Fantasy XV, but it really was 13 franchise that did the damage to the brand, 13 was not well receieved in Japan compared to rest, it was actually the first place to give warning signs of the game (A lot of people were in denial at first, and just downright blamed Xbox360 for the changes, it was really fun times). 13 itself did fine (subjective), because of the brand, but it has just about as many 5s on amazon as it did 1s, and that is what damaged the brand. It is the same reason a lot of people I know have zero faith in Square now a days.

 I think ultamitely they have to rebuild that relationship with the fanbase in that region of the world. If Final Fantasy XV is great not just good or passable (which it sadly is about 50/50 chance, since all of the warning signs are there; long development time, changing of teams, questionable cast direction), Final Fantasy XVI might actual have the first increase in the franchise. 

This again....

People said that FFXII was bad as well, how come FFXIII managed to sell well after XII? And XII itself also did well, after people said X-2 sucked.