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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

claudius_I said:
Edwardooo said:
The first JoJo game is awful though, I can only understand why japanese didn't want to buy the second one.

And famitsu gave 40/40


And IGN gave GTAIV 10/10. 

Hype can do some crazy things.

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Another point for Pokkén. It won't leave the chart at all.

Well, let's see what's coming tomorrow.

So, 211 points at the end for DQ Builders, that's way behind Dragon Quest Heroes if I'm not mistaken, but not a bad score. I guess the game will essentially count on its legs.

Mario Tennis did ok I guess, didn't expected it to show at all tbh.

Now, tomorrow there's gonna be some changes. I seriously hope Street Fighter V show off. Oh, and Zelda Twilight Princess HD too.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day.

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zzzzzzz slow day.

Thanks for the update Mr. Boutros. Always on time,

Pokken needs that push. Doesn't have it yet Imo. I'm willing to bet it does 100p here. I'm sure at least 50,but I'll be bold

tbone51 said:
Pokken needs that push. Doesn't have it yet Imo. I'm willing to bet it does 100p here. I'm sure at least 50,but I'll be bold

Is there any Wii U game that we can use to compare Pokkén?

Really hope Attack on Titan shows up tomorrow. Don't really want it to bomb, I like Koei Tecmo :P

Bye DQB, you weren't as much fun as I'd been hoping.

claudius_I said:
Edwardooo said:
The first JoJo game is awful though, I can only understand why japanese didn't want to buy the second one.

And famitsu gave 40/40

Wasn't the big complaint that they were using an energy/timer system on playtime? I remember them having to fix it in a hurry.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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