I seriously cant wait for October 12, Im counting the days and there is a mark on my calendar
I seriously cant wait for October 12, Im counting the days and there is a mark on my calendar
Poor W101. They just have no faith in you.
tbone51 said: Gooooooooooooooooo Pokemon X |
......no charts today? XP
the_dengle said:
......no charts today? XP |
i had them ready before, but i didn't want people complaining that i uploaded them b4 boutros added the COMG chart :0 I cant do it now, dont have computer :x
So Wonderful 101 will turn out to be Wonderful Flop-o-one. Such a shame and it looks really promising as well.
Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread
3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David
tbone51 said: i had them ready before, but i didn't want people complaining that i uploaded them b4 boutros added the COMG chart :0 I cant do it now, dont have computer :x |
Bah, that's too bad. Tomorrow is fine though.
the_dengle said:
Bah, that's too bad. Tomorrow is fine though. |
i'll add them tomorrow and the new one during the update, F*** it! Im not gonna wait lmao :0
Conegamer said: Poor W101. They just have no faith in you. |
Whens it out?
think-man said:
Whens it out? |
Next week in Europe, so I expect before the month is out in Japan.
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