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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

Surprised I underestimated it. I thought I was being optimistic!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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Conegamer said:
Surprised I underestimated it. I thought I was being optimistic!

pokemon X/Y>>>Pokemon B/W O.o

I expected a similar start to MH4, where it would go low and then explode the next day.
Good for Pokémon.

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Dragon246 said:
"Note that MH4 will have digital sales"

And MH3P wont? Really? PSP games are also sold digitally, not to mention they are also playable on Vita.

MHP3 launched in Japan on Dec 1, 2010.  It wasn't available for digital download until July 28, 2011. It was also made available for PS3 on Ausgust 23, 2011.  And Vita didn't launch until Dec 17, 2011.

In other words, retail pre-orders and launch sales on PSP were unaffected by digital distributuion and other console launches.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

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Gooo! Digimon X and Y

Amazing effort from pokemon, although monster hunter 4 will sell quite less then the previous psp entries, due to the demographic difference

Viper1 said:
Dragon246 said:
"Note that MH4 will have digital sales"

And MH3P wont? Really? PSP games are also sold digitally, not to mention they are also playable on Vita.

MHP3 launched in Japan on Dec 1, 2010.  It wasn't available for digital download until July 28, 2011. It was also made available for PS3 on Ausgust 23, 2011.  And Vita didn't launch until Dec 17, 2011.

In other words, retail pre-orders and launch sales on PSP were unaffected by digital distributuion and other console launches.

Where'd you find that news?

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Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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outlawauron said:
Viper1 said:
Dragon246 said:
"Note that MH4 will have digital sales"

And MH3P wont? Really? PSP games are also sold digitally, not to mention they are also playable on Vita.

MHP3 launched in Japan on Dec 1, 2010.  It wasn't available for digital download until July 28, 2011. It was also made available for PS3 on Ausgust 23, 2011.  And Vita didn't launch until Dec 17, 2011.

In other words, retail pre-orders and launch sales on PSP were unaffected by digital distributuion and other console launches.

Where'd you find that news?

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Can somebody repost the charts up here? The one i made for MH and pokemon? Not sure if anybody seen them! Thankz