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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

ktay95 said:
Kerotan said:
Slarvax said:
Kerotan said:


i wonder why they went to psp instead of the DS in the first place. Maybe sony had a deal for that. I have a very hard time believing SOny didn't pay for MH PSP and Nintendo didn't pay for MH 3DS. If not why wouldn't they just release on both? 

You think DS could run MonHun =P

Their has never been any deals that we know of and their is no proof that their is one. Hell even while its on 3DS right now, WiiU, PS3, 360 and Vita all got MonHun too. Same thing happened when it was on PSP. Wii even had Tri.

not trying to talk bad about vita users at all (or targeting all as a group)... So pls anybody reading this, DO NOT take this the wrong way plsssss........

I think some Salty fan was mad Nintendo was getting MH exclusive, and made all that up with a 3 year deal (from nintendo). I guess many hopped on the bandwagon >_<

Oh well, its no biggie, i mean vita gets 80% of the third party support for HH anyway! No need to hog it all like the ps4 against WiiU :P

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tbone51 said:

Not done just yet.... Amazon japan got stock in a couple hours ago.... And both XL colors are out of stockat this moment :P

LL probably shipped less than the N3DS; the LL (like the OGLL) is costlier to make (also likely lower output, screen at fault again for stock on production) and cuts into the profits more because of the bigger screens. But that size also makes exchangeable plates a bad idea as the integrity of the screen can easily be compromised at that size (see iPhone 6)... which is why it has no plates, if you're curious. The N3DS gives them bigger profits, the faceplates are profits too, so Nintendo has every reason to ship more N3DS than LLs.

Slarvax said:
Kerotan said:
In what year does the nintendo monster hunter deal finish? Is this the last year?

And just want to say they pretty much killed the PSV by making that exclusive.

There's no "deal" that I know of. The 3DS just fits more for the franchise to Capcom, I guess. 


It fits right where they want their financials to be.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

tbone51 said:
ktay95 said:

You think DS could run MonHun =P

Their has never been any deals that we know of and their is no proof that their is one. Hell even while its on 3DS right now, WiiU, PS3, 360 and Vita all got MonHun too. Same thing happened when it was on PSP. Wii even had Tri.

not trying to talk bad about vita users at all (or targeting all as a group)... So pls anybody reading this, DO NOT take this the wrong way plsssss........

I think some Salty fan was mad Nintendo was getting MH exclusive, and made all that up with a 3 year deal (from nintendo). I guess many hopped on the bandwagon >_<

Oh well, its no biggie, i mean vita gets 80% of the third party support for HH anyway! No need to hog it all like the ps4 against WiiU :P

Talk started when Capcom cancelled the PS3 version of Monster Hunter 3, and announced it for the Wii. The PSP got one final MonHun, and it hasn't seen an original MH since Portable 3rd released in 2009.

Considering the growth it saw on Sony platforms, the complete about face is comparable to Final Fantasy which means something happened underneath the surface. Think about it, why wouldn't Nintendo pay Capcom for the biggest 3rd party franchise  in Japan?

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
tbone51 said:
ktay95 said:

You think DS could run MonHun =P

Their has never been any deals that we know of and their is no proof that their is one. Hell even while its on 3DS right now, WiiU, PS3, 360 and Vita all got MonHun too. Same thing happened when it was on PSP. Wii even had Tri.

not trying to talk bad about vita users at all (or targeting all as a group)... So pls anybody reading this, DO NOT take this the wrong way plsssss........

I think some Salty fan was mad Nintendo was getting MH exclusive, and made all that up with a 3 year deal (from nintendo). I guess many hopped on the bandwagon >_<

Oh well, its no biggie, i mean vita gets 80% of the third party support for HH anyway! No need to hog it all like the ps4 against WiiU :P

Talk started when Capcom cancelled the PS3 version of Monster Hunter 3, and announced it for the Wii. The PSP got one final MonHun, and it hasn't seen an original MH since Portable 3rd released in 2009.

Considering the growth it saw on Sony platforms, the complete about face is comparable to Final Fantasy which means something happened underneath the surface. Think about it, why wouldn't Nintendo pay Capcom for the biggest 3rd party franchise  in Japan?

If all that is true, then it makes awhole lot more sense then wat i was hearing in 2013 XD.

Those are strong cases, so its definitely believable (though not 100%). Where did the 3 year or watever come from? (unless i've been decieved!!!)

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nanzano said:

Ok (Y)

Our Japanese spy has spoken again :000000


"I've just been in GamesMaya and the same picture as the other places. Monster Hunter 4G sold out, next shipment for the 17th."

"New 3DS XL sold out, normal model available."


"I asked to the boss if the XL model is sold out because the normal had a bigger shipment. She said that even this, the XL is more popular.

She told me that Smash Bros and Youkai Watch 2 sold more this week than the past."


outlawauron said:

Considering the growth it saw on Sony platforms, the complete about face is comparable to Final Fantasy which means something happened underneath the surface. Think about it, why wouldn't Nintendo pay Capcom for the biggest 3rd party franchise  in Japan?

Nintendo doesn't pay Square-Enix for any of their huge franchises, and they don't pay Activision or EA for the biggest 3rd party franchises in the West. Considering their struggle to acquire any third-party support on any of their platforms, I have a hard time believing that Nintendo is cutting checks to third-parties. Including Capcom, who skipped Nintendo platforms for Resident Evil: Revelations 2 and Ultra Street Fighter 4 despite the success of both series on 3DS.

Did Capcom need an incentive to put Monster Hunter on PSP instead of DS? No, it was the obvious choice. The PSP was powerful enough to handle the series, and at the time a lot of analysts believed it would actually be more successful than the DS. Supporting the 3DS instead of the Vita was also the obvious choice. Hot off the heels of the DS success, only Sony die-hards thought the Vita would win that fight, and the 3DS is plenty powerful enough to handle Monster Hunter.

Whatever deal Nintendo made is right in front of our faces. Look at all that Nintendo swag in MH4 and especially MH4G. They are lending their IP to Capcom for use in Monster Hunter -- tons of their IP including Mario, Zelda, Animal Crossing, and Fire Emblem, four very popular franchises in Japan (or globally) in their own right. There's no need to sweeten the deal with cash. Sony can't compete with this -- what would they do, offer Kratos or Nathan Drake costumes for Monster Hunter? It's a unique angle Nintendo can use to their advantage.

Making Monster Hunter multi-platform wouldn't make any sense, either. Developing a single game for multiple consoles simultaneously would only increase development time and costs, and wouldn't dramatically increase sales of the game in question.

#Conspiracies goin' on in this thread.

And I'm excited to see these N3DS numbers. I have no clue what to expect either.

Didn't they had a problem? Sony and Capcom I mean, something that caused an issue for international publishing?

Greetings Everybody!

I'm wasting my first Post to write about Capcom *Sigh*. Well, one of the worst japanese Companies for the past few years. Releasing many Games only Digital in the West (Ace Attorney, the HD Remasters of Okami and Resident Evil), making countless weird decisions. And now, fortunately, there isn't much going on at this Company recently. I guess they're going the same way Square Enix does with even less resources. Making big profit with a small budget. Seems like Monster Hunter 4G was released at the right time to fill the empty treasure. I will never get the Hype of Monster Hunter (because, and it's absolutely my opinion, there are better Hunter Games out there) but 4G will make a lot of coins for Capcom and Nintendo.

After the success of Monster Hunter 3 on the Wii, it was a logical decision of Capcom (one of the very few) to continue the Main Series on Nintendo Systems.

Be aware: English is not my native language. The Internetz is the only place I'm partly speaking this smooth language. And because my Signature is so boring, feel free to insert a lame Boob-Joke here: [Insert lame Boob-Joke here]

Warning: Nintendo and Übel Blatt Fangirl alert