Where is Final Fantasy XV, Dragon Quest Heroes and Phantom Pain?
rccsetzer said: Where is Final Fantasy XV, Dragon Quest Heroes and Phantom Pain? |
Are any of them open for preorders yet?
Sigs are dumb. And so are you!
Fusioncode said:
Are any of them open for preorders yet? |
Nope. Pre-orders in Japan rarely open before an official release date is set.
Boutros said: Nope. Pre-orders in Japan rarely open before an official release date is set. |
I still remember. Those were magical times.
the_dengle said: I still remember. Those were magical times. |
All that red... *cringes*
OT: Dat Double Pack movement.
Purple said:
Haha me too. I'm quietly hoping it's never localised so I don't have to make a decision. |
I do want them to localize it, but only if the sales are there. Then I wouldn't have to feel bad about not buying it.
Playing Xenoblade 2 before I buy Xenoblade 3 (otherwise I couldn't wait to play 3).
Can they announce a new Fire Emblem? A remake of Genealogy or Tellius would suffice !
FiveOVER said: Zestiria is like a falling meteor. Hope it's the same with the west, and we get a good CE. |
I doubt it. Namco has been putting more resources into the localizations and there's been no real response. I expect bare bones from them to try and save on the cost of localization.
Boutros said:
Nope. Pre-orders in Japan rarely open before an official release date is set. |
But we're talking about COMG, right? XD
Media Create Annual Archive (Spanish version)
I like how the top 5 looks! Just 3DS games!
---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---
Dammit DanganRonpa! Dammit Phantasy Star!
At least Tales is doing something.
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