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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA taking too much heat for not supporting Nintendo?

osed125 said:
Lyrikalstylez said:
Nintendo should have released a more powerful system to at least get some ports from infinity or ps4....too bad they went cheap and now paying the price

Even if Nintendo made the most powerful system of the 8th gen, the situation wouldn't have changed at all. Power is not an issue here, business relations are.

Not really, what business relations are u talking about ? All 3rd party's seem to have the same idea





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Lyrikalstylez said:
osed125 said:
Lyrikalstylez said:
Nintendo should have released a more powerful system to at least get some ports from infinity or ps4....too bad they went cheap and now paying the price

Even if Nintendo made the most powerful system of the 8th gen, the situation wouldn't have changed at all. Power is not an issue here, business relations are.

Not really, what business relations are u talking about ? All 3rd party's seem to have the same idea





Know what I think? Nintendo doesn't keep third party in mind at all when making their consoles. They keep a singular vision instead of a unified vision between themselves and their potential partners.

Why should I get a product for my Nintendo consoles when they do a poor job and wants my cash?

AstroMaSSi rules

Cobretti2 said:
oniyide said:
Cobretti2 said:

Agreed about mass consumers, but where I am coming from is I don't think mass consumers (well not many) have purchased a wii U yet. Most those sale would be core nintendo gamers and strange people who liek just dance lol.

considering the low sales of that game for WIi U, not even them

well there was a week that I saw just dance 4 ahead of most the 3rd party games (i thought that was odd lol)

must have been a fluke or you imagined it, because JD4 for Wii U is one of the worst selling 3rd party games so far which is strange considering how popular it is on its predessecor's console. hell its THE worst selling version

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Lyrikalstylez said:
osed125 said:
Lyrikalstylez said:
Nintendo should have released a more powerful system to at least get some ports from infinity or ps4....too bad they went cheap and now paying the price

Even if Nintendo made the most powerful system of the 8th gen, the situation wouldn't have changed at all. Power is not an issue here, business relations are.

Not really, what business relations are u talking about ? All 3rd party's seem to have the same idea





Know what I think? Nintendo doesn't keep third party in mind at all when making their consoles. They keep a singular vision instead of a unified vision between themselves and their potential partners.

I thought this was an undisputed fact at this point.

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right now it's EA a year from now it will be an other third party

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

JayWood2010 said:
Carl2291 said:
Machiavellian said:

people do not purchase Nintendo systems to play 3rd party games.

Wrong. Lets use VGChartz numbers.

~460 Million 3rd party games sold on Wii.

~440 Million 3rd party games sold on DS.

~900 Million 3rd party games sold on Nintendo platforms for the generation.

~548 Million 3rd party games sold on PS3.

~230 Million 3rd party games sold on PSP.

~778 Million 3rd party games sold on Sony platforms for the generation.

~609 Million 3rd party games sold on X360.

As you can see, consumers bought plenty of 3rd party games on Nintendo platforms

Look at my signature and go to breakdowns of sales for 7th generation and notice the differences with Nintendo and MSFT/Sony.  Then state what you just said.

You cant argue with numbers, JayWood. 3rd parties had more success with Nintendo than they did with PSP/PS3/360.

Im assuming you will also ignore the Sims and Tiger Woods examples I gave you, too.

AND Im assuming that you didnt give me another list of games that didnt do well for EA on Wii?


I absolutely love all the heat EA is taking for not supporting Nintendo, and they deserve more. Why the hell not support them? You are one of the biggest third party studios. ACT LIKE IT. I guess I'm not surprised for their actions though, considering they were named one of the worst run companies in America.

At least during the Wii days, they had the excuse of the difference in horsepower causing issues with cross-developement, but now that that excuse is thrown out the window for Wii U, they are being exposed, and they are scrambling to come up with a real excuse. Well we alaready know what the REAL reason is; their games simply aren't as good as Nintendos, and they know it. That's why they won't develop games on Nintendo hardware, because they fear going up against it.

JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:

Are you not listening at all or are you just simply ignoring me?  

Tell me the numbers for the WiiU with a low install base and then tell me why it is worth it?  You are only answering half of what I've said.

While yes the Wii has made some money (100m consoles)  the WiiU is not making them any at the moment (3m consoles)

I'm truly sorry you suffer from alzheimer's:

So instead of answering me you attack me :)

Id have done the same. Youre ignoring peoples arguments when they prove you wrong and youre moving the goal posts. Its gone from Nintendo platforms to Wii to Wii U.

You should have started at Wii U and stuck with it. It would have made you look far less desperate.


Metallicube said:

I absolutely love all the heat EA is taking for not supporting Nintendo, and they deserve more. Why the hell not support them? You are one of the biggest third party studios. ACT LIKE IT. I guess I'm not surprised for their actions though, considering they were named one of the worst run companies in America.

At least during the Wii days, they had the excuse of the difference in horsepower causing issues with cross-developement, but now that that excuse is thrown out the window for Wii U, they are being exposed, and they are scrambling to come up with a real excuse. Well we alaready know what the REAL reason is; their games simply aren't as good as Nintendos, and they know it. That's why they won't develop games on Nintendo hardware, because they fear going up against it. gen they will still have horsepower issues with the Wii U. The excuse still stands, people just haven't felt it yet because the consoles aren't out. It will come my son, in due time.