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JayWood2010 said:
Carl2291 said:
Machiavellian said:

people do not purchase Nintendo systems to play 3rd party games.

Wrong. Lets use VGChartz numbers.

~460 Million 3rd party games sold on Wii.

~440 Million 3rd party games sold on DS.

~900 Million 3rd party games sold on Nintendo platforms for the generation.

~548 Million 3rd party games sold on PS3.

~230 Million 3rd party games sold on PSP.

~778 Million 3rd party games sold on Sony platforms for the generation.

~609 Million 3rd party games sold on X360.

As you can see, consumers bought plenty of 3rd party games on Nintendo platforms

Look at my signature and go to breakdowns of sales for 7th generation and notice the differences with Nintendo and MSFT/Sony.  Then state what you just said.

You cant argue with numbers, JayWood. 3rd parties had more success with Nintendo than they did with PSP/PS3/360.

Im assuming you will also ignore the Sims and Tiger Woods examples I gave you, too.

AND Im assuming that you didnt give me another list of games that didnt do well for EA on Wii?