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Forums - NSFW Discussion - MOV: Is Sex really worth it? Or are hormones and other factors controlling you?

It's called a "climax" for a reason - you're not meant to go from zero to orgasm instantly, and then back to zero again. It's meant to be a gradual build up, and then an "afterglow" afterwards.

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Amazing, whenever a thread title is so absurd that I cannot help but click it, it's one of yours. 100% hit ratio. Respect :D

Tagging for future lolz.

Sex is worth every pelvis smashing thrust.

You might as well ask a drunkard why he abuses alcohol even though it destroys his liver. Or a smoker why he keeps smoking even though he's read the warning labels about lung disease.

Studies have shown that the parts of your brain that are triggered by sex are essentially the exact same ones that are stimulated and respond to any other type of addiction. People essentially get addicted to sex, and you can't rationally talk them out of it in the same way you can't rationally talk a smoker out of wanting a cigarette.

This isn't to say that sex is as hard an addiction to break as smoking or drinking, but that it is very possible to become addicted to the feeling in the same way you would become addicted to nicotine or alcohol. If you wish to break out of a cycle like that, you have to approach it in much the same way that you would approach dealing with an addiction.

On topic: "What's the point?" Hmm how about survival of the species? Nature really really wants us to have sex. That's why she made it feel good (which it does before orgasm too).
Also, sex drive is probably the only bit of instinct left in us. We don't even want it because it feels good. We want it just because.

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Everything all right at home spurgey? We all know all your threads has something to within your own life.. Can't get the mister up anymore? She has many headaches lately? Talk to us


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

spurgeonryan said:

Let's be honest. Unless you are on a pill that I think is called the "Ropes", males only have one quick orgasm. 

foreplay dude, You should try NOT getting a quick orgasm, instead be a tease, change position, make out a lot, and don't go for penetration fast, in fact you can avoid that all together and focus on making your partner orgasm first, its kind of like a tug of war and you should always try to win, your girl loves that as well, not just random humping and then getting off and everyone is dissapointed, more like "romance" , its good, remember your partner is not a whore.

with that being said , sometimes you want to get rough, but don't do it at first, thats just anti-climatic (no pun intended) , just build up to it, and expect her/him to get rough as well.

Uhm, if you think sex is simply about the orgasm, you misunderstood something basic. Besides, how can you not see the logic in a species being keen on the activity that leads directly to conception? It makes perfect sense, the OP seems rather unreflected in my opinion.

Our brains operate on the expectation of future reward (everything from water to praise to a slot machine payout). We're very bad at judging relative sizes of reward and how much investment is required to get them. Also it's not just the act itself that is a reward.

Immediately after orgasm, one is extremely unmotivated by sex. Try it out and then realise how irrational you are the rest of the time.

If my hormones are controlling me, God bless my hormones.

Plus, if you only get a few seconds of pleasure out of the experience, you're doing something wrong.

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