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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resident Evil: Best & Worst

Mafaveli said:
RolStoppable said:
REmake for GC is the best.

RE3 is the worst from the main series. If we talk about all RE games, then one of the two Gun Survivor games is the worst.

The online RE games were called Outbreak.

sums up exactly what I think

Is that the new "Quoted For Truth?"



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I am Sinistar!
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I hunger!



 At least 62 million Wii sold by the end of 09 or my mario avatar will get sad
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Best: RE4 and RE2 both are great in my opinion

Worst: Outbreak - game isn't horrible but the loading times completly ruin it

I steal this thread for a few seconds;

If I'm going to buy RE2, for which system shoul I get it? Are there any versions that are really bad?

Beware, I live!
I am Sinistar!
Beware, coward!
I hunger!



 At least 62 million Wii sold by the end of 09 or my mario avatar will get sad

Only main series:

Best: REmake
Worst: RE3

I've been trying to play the REmake recently from borrowing it off a friend and I swear it seems infinitely harder than the original PS1 game.

Ammo is far more scarce than I remember, the zombies take alot more knocking down, it's brick!

Personally 4 is the best of the series but out of the 'old style' RE games, it's gotta be 2. Also, I think I'm one of the few people who really loved 3 as well.

1 was great and it did set the path for RE but I think it was outdone by it's sequels.


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The best? RE2 was so fun, and innovative, I have to give it the nod. The "RE-Make, and RE4 are duking it out for second best.

I never played any of the Gun Survivor/ Outbreak type games, but RE3 brought the least to the table. It's the only game in the series I only wanted to play through only once.

Well I firmly believe that RE3 is the best one, for the first time in the series you could see different locations of Raccoon City, controls were top notch and you're always in suspense because you don't know when Nemesis could come and chase you. The action in the game is awesome and is only surpassed by the action in RE4. The ending was great but I won't spoil.

RE2 would be my 2nd best it has the best horror and suspense and it is the one with more replayability because it had 6 scenarios. Also it has the best story and ending!

RE4 is the most intense and has the best boss battles (Krauser is my favorite, I call him General Badass) but it was kind of easy and some enemies were simply too cheesy (zombie monks with rocket launchers and cartoony wolves made me stop taking the game seriously, I missed real zombies!). I hated that it didn't really contribute to the story of the series and also ending was lame.

Code Veronica was very story driven and the events that took place in the game were great, I liked the Ashfords and the return of Wesker (he's so cool!). The game's ending was very open wich is good and I hope RE5 has some relation with some of Code Veronica's ending elements.

RE1/REmake: I didn't really played REmake but I have the original RE, anyway what I can say from what I've seen from REmake is that it's the sacrier one, and maybe the hardest one wich are good points. From the original RE I can say that I liked it a lot it was a great introduction to the series and the opening is awesome! Controls weren't so good but since it practically invented survival horror on consoles I don't hate the game at all. The ending wasn't very good and the game was very cheesy, but afterall I keep it as a priceless gem!

Never played RE0!

Best: RE (Director's Cut or Deadly Silence), RE 2, Re 4 tie, like all for of them equally
Worst: Zero, never played outbreaks, gaiden, or anyother side games


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I played RE 1, 2, 4 and some of RE 3.

Resident Evil 2 was the best by far.

And I'll take this thread as a chance to speak once again how much i hate RE 4, who f***ed up the RE series and probably will make RE 5 another action game instead of a survival horror. What the hell, the game was all about blowing nonsense enemies ( as stated by lightbleeder) , but where is the survival part? where is the tension when you are always full of grenades? And what was that last boss? A joke. AND WHAT, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ENDING? I stared at the tv a long time waiting for something else that didn't came. Huge dissapointment.

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

RE1 (REmake): Pretty, but not really scary. I'd rate it, "okay."

RE2: Meh. Again, not really scary, and the graphics have aged terribly. The two scenarios are also horribly redundant; they could have at least included different puzzles or something.

RE3: My favorite of the "classic-style" REs. The more linear progression, the addition of twitch-dodging, and the item creation were a great benefit to the series. That, and the feeling of Nemesis stalking you everywhere you go makes this one actually scary despite the poor graphics.

Code Veronica: A step backward from RE3, sadly. They kept the more linear progression, but removed everything else that made RE3 so great. Still, I had a decent amount of fun with it because of the lack of backtracking.

RE0: Basically RE2 with a "buddy system" gimmick. Pretty, but redundant if you've played the other games in the series. Also, far too difficult.

RE4: Just plain awesome. I don't think it needs any further elaboration.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom