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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vote Now! gamrconnect Most Wanted: June 2013

1.Final Fantasy X HD (Vita)
2.Final Fantasy X-2 HD (Vita)
3.Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMix (PS3)
4.Pokemon X/Y (3DS)
5.Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)

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All PC once again
1. The Witcher 3
2. Cyberpunk 2077
3. Bioshock Infinite DLC
4. Sir, You Are Being Hunted
5. Wasteland 2

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

1 - Gran Turismo 6
2 - The Last of Us
3 - Beyond: Two souls
4 - Killzone: Shadow Fall
5 - Tearaway

Proudest Platinums - BF: Bad Company, Killzone 2 , Battlefield 3 and GTA4

1 - Grand Theft Auto V - PS3
2 - The Last of Us
3 - Metal Gear Solid V - PS3
4 - inFAMOUS: Second Son
5 - Beyond: Two Souls

Am I allowed to pick unannounced games? If so, replace Beyond with 3D Mario Wii U.

1. FFX/X2 - PS3
2. Time and Eternity - PS3
3. FF XIII-2 - PS3 (Also rumored to be FFXV on the PS4, either way)
4. Tales of Xillia - PS3
5. YS - PSV

#1 is either PSV or PS3, but if it includes Cross Saving (since there wont be crossbuy) it will be PS3 & PSV.

Love me some JRPGs

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Spam replaced by mortified Trafalgar Law


1. The Last Of Us (PS3)
2. Kindgom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix (PS3)
3. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD (PS3)
4. inFamous: Second Son (PS4)
5. Tearaway (PSV)

1: X (WiiU)
2: Animal Crossing New Leaf (3DS)
3: Pokemon X and Y (3DS)
4: Legend of Zelda Wind Waker (WiiU)
5: Pikmin 3 (WiiU)

If we get just a few more voters, we can have 1,000 points pre-E3!

Love and tolerate.

In no particular order, this is the last month you can vote for:

*Animal Crossing: New Leaf
*Game & Wario
*Muramasa Rebirth
*Project X Zone
*Remember Me
*The Last of Us

That last one in particular is a big deal.

Love and tolerate.