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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Have Sony fans lose sight?

bananaking21 said:
Lostplanet22 said:
bananaking21 said:
Lostplanet22 said:
bananaking21 said:
eh i reported this thread btw, nothing good will come out of it and you know that. if you want to have a reasonable discussion then do it in a way that doesnt generalize and that doesnt try to rile people up

Reported you for being one sided.  Last time when the other side did it it was all fine and now when it is against you agenda you report it.  It is your kind of mentality that hurts the forums.

good luck with that report, last time i checked its not against the forum rules to like one console more than the other

I don't need luck, saw enough of your reactions in the past to know enough of you.  I am not the one enjoying the hate to other consoles and defending the haters like you did before. if you can live with being a hypocrit is your choice not mine.

i havent broken the rules. and you dont need to attack me personally just because i reported a thread to be locked and you didnt like it. you dont like me thats ok i dont really care. but no need to come out of no where and call me a hypocrit. 

I don't attack you,  it is your choice to behave like that.  When their is fire on the other side you tell everyone their is no fire and their is nothing wrong.  Now we have a thread that points the obvious and 30 + reactions with no hate against the vita and you already declare that fire is on its way.   


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I think its more like, we are happy that the Vita isn't the only new gaming hardware failing.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

Carl2291 said:
Classic deflection techniques.

Make the other look bad to keep attention off your own wrong doings (or in this case, Sony's).

Its been the same on VGChartz for as long as I can remember.

And that's why it's not helping the PSV. Sony won't see the need to hurry and fix the PSV if nobody tell them.

Nintendo got so much crap when 3DS wasn't selling too hot and that got fixed quickly.

lol doesn't this question work in reverse too?

Fix the damn thread title if you want to be taken seriously.

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sony does not advertise for vita. it doesnt help.


Lostplanet22 said:
bananaking21 said:
Lostplanet22 said:
bananaking21 said:
Lostplanet22 said:
bananaking21 said:
eh i reported this thread btw, nothing good will come out of it and you know that. if you want to have a reasonable discussion then do it in a way that doesnt generalize and that doesnt try to rile people up

Reported you for being one sided.  Last time when the other side did it it was all fine and now when it is against you agenda you report it.  It is your kind of mentality that hurts the forums.

good luck with that report, last time i checked its not against the forum rules to like one console more than the other

I don't need luck, saw enough of your reactions in the past to know enough of you.  I am not the one enjoying the hate to other consoles and defending the haters like you did before. if you can live with being a hypocrit is your choice not mine.

i havent broken the rules. and you dont need to attack me personally just because i reported a thread to be locked and you didnt like it. you dont like me thats ok i dont really care. but no need to come out of no where and call me a hypocrit. 

I don't attack you,  it is your choice to behave like that.  When their is fire on the other side you tell everyone their is no fire and their is nothing wrong.  Now we have a thread that points the obvious and 30 + reactions with no hate against the vita and you already declare that fire is on its way.   

Actually Bannanaking does not support attacks on any side.  He only owns a PS3 but he also doesn't support the idiotic fan wars that we constantly see.  i agree that this thread should be locked.  It has a lack of quality and no reasoning.  It was made intentionally for argueing and the fact thatr it took 10 seconds to make shows this.  I could do the same with the X360, NeXbox, PS3, WiiU etc.  Trash like that should be locked.


JayWood2010 said:
Lostplanet22 said:
bananaking21 said:
Lostplanet22 said:
bananaking21 said:
Lostplanet22 said:
bananaking21 said:
eh i reported this thread btw, nothing good will come out of it and you know that. if you want to have a reasonable discussion then do it in a way that doesnt generalize and that doesnt try to rile people up

Reported you for being one sided.  Last time when the other side did it it was all fine and now when it is against you agenda you report it.  It is your kind of mentality that hurts the forums.

good luck with that report, last time i checked its not against the forum rules to like one console more than the other

I don't need luck, saw enough of your reactions in the past to know enough of you.  I am not the one enjoying the hate to other consoles and defending the haters like you did before. if you can live with being a hypocrit is your choice not mine.

i havent broken the rules. and you dont need to attack me personally just because i reported a thread to be locked and you didnt like it. you dont like me thats ok i dont really care. but no need to come out of no where and call me a hypocrit. 

I don't attack you,  it is your choice to behave like that.  When their is fire on the other side you tell everyone their is no fire and their is nothing wrong.  Now we have a thread that points the obvious and 30 + reactions with no hate against the vita and you already declare that fire is on its way.   

Actually Bannanaking does not support attacks on any side.  He only owns a PS3 but he also doesn't support the idiotic fan wars that we constantly see.  i agree that this thread should be locked.  It has a lack of quality and no reasoning.  It was made intentionally for argueing and the fact thatr it took 10 seconds to make shows this.  I could do the same with the X360, NeXbox, PS3, WiiU etc.  Trash like that should be locked.

you do all the time and so does bananaking only difference is it diesnt take me half an hour to read galakis posts

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Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

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I think it's just you, I think already the PSV has better 1st party exclusives then PSP, and I hear that GT6 might also be available for PSV.

The WiiU hate is just trash talk, Wii U will be fine, PSV probably not so much.

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Honestly: It is pretty tiresome that whenever there is a positive Nintendo related thread, you always see the same people shitting all over the news, spinning everything into something negative (Nintendo announces the buy 3 games get a 4th for free program, "LOL ARE THEY THIS DESPERATE TO SELL SOFTWARE ? AREN´T THESE GAMES GOOD ENOUGH TO SELL ON THEIR OWN?")
....and most of them (I´m very sorry to admit it ) have either Sony avatars or are known to be Sony guys...