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Forums - General Discussion - A Major Issue that Needs to be Addressed by Moderators

BenVTrigger said:
Carl2291 said:
Ben youre completely missing the point.

Just because you or I may not get offended, doesnt mean other people dont get offended.

No Im not the users in this thread are.

The job of a mod isnt to prevent individuals from being offended.  Their job is to ensure no overt attacks are used towards specific people, specific groups, or posts that show things universally agrred as inapropriate such as graphic images.

The post that is specifically mentioned does none of these things.  It was simply a play on words.  Its not a mods job to care if an individual is offended by it

Its not that specific post alone though, its the general posting habits of people towards females/religion/whatever. There ARE constant jokes about females, religion, countries, politics, etc.

The point is the people these jokes are making fun of dont like it. 


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Marucha said:
BenVTrigger said:
Carl2291 said:
Ben youre completely missing the point.

Just because you or I may not get offended, doesnt mean other people dont get offended.

No Im not the users in this thread are.

The job of a mod isnt to prevent individuals from being offended.  Their job is to ensure no overt attacks are used towards specific people, specific groups, or posts that show things universally agrred as inapropriate such as graphic images.

The post that is specifically mentioned does none of these things.  It was simply a play on words.  Its not a mods job to care if an individual is offended by it

The reason they need to quickly stop overt attacks (which I don't think they do well either) is because it is highly offensive. You do realize, you have basically legitamized stealth trolling by saying "Well, as long as it's not obvious and it's just a 'joke'..."

Yeah, I can make a dozen jokes and know they offend someone and avoid the filter. People get banned for jokes on this site too in fact, so actually... what is your point actually?

My point is your trying to argue for cencorship because your offended by something.  That is rediculous.  I didnt even find his joke funny but to make a thread complaining about people making jokes is a bigger problem than anything he said.

Had he made a statement that said "No ones wants to be around women when they have PMS because they act like bitches" I would have been first in line to say he deserved to be banned.  But he said nothing like that.  Be careful to argue for people being cencored for small things, because the next thing you know you wake up one day not being allowed to say anything at all.

RolStoppable said:
Posts that get moderated need to stay up, unless it is stuff that absolutely needs to be deleted (pornography, hate speech of epic proportions etc.). Moderation needs to be transparent, so that users get educated of what is allowed and what is not by simply reading the forums.

We rarely agree but I think you're absolutely right on this.  I do not want to see moderated posts get deleted.  I want to see what that person has done and I want to be able to judge the response of the moderater.  I want it to be an open process that the community can protest or affirm.  Allowing any mod team the ability to hide what they are doing seems like a very, very bad idea.

I also want to say that this is one of the best moderated gaming forum around.  There will always be disagreements about what should be allowed or not allowed, yes, but most of the worst stuff is usually dealt with.  Anyone comparing this to 4chan is out of their mind.  Heck, I left one gaming forum (Destructoid) on the same day I joined because I saw a new girl get insulted by a vet.  I've seen nothing even close to that here.

As for the joke in question, it was harmless, and I say that as someone who really thinks that particular user should be moderated far more often.  I'm not sure why premenstrual syndrome should be on a list of banned topics.  If there exist better example then those example should have been used.

I've also heard the "we need a female mod" suggestion tossed around a bit.  Honestly, I think that's absurd.  If someone is to be made a mod, it should be because they would be a good mod, not because of gender.  I know more than one female mod on other forums that absolutely suck--not because they're female but because they're horrible at being mods.

I'm also at kind of a loss.  The NinPie thread had a ton of sexually suggestive comments.  Why were those OK?  What's the difference, exactly?

btw people say video game forums are the worst but i can tell they are nothing against some poker forums^^

RolStoppable said:
bananaking21 said:
BenVTrigger said:

No Im not the users in this thread are.

The job of a mod isnt to prevent individuals from being offended.  Their job is to ensure no overt attacks are used towards specific people, specific groups, or posts that show things universally agrred as inapropriate such as graphic images.

The post that is specifically mentioned does none of these things.  It was simply a play on words.  Its not a mods job to care if an individual is offended by it

@bolded thats correct and but the OP isnt just talking about her self "I know I am not the only girl who does this and there are about 10-11 of us that I know of... we get tired of reading this site and when I find the new members, I immediately seek them out so they don't start to feel alienated by it."

it seems that a big number of the female posters feel that way.  now look at the underlined post, and there is the issue. a specific group is feeling that they are being alienated by these sort of comments. should galai's post be moderated? as kentor said, no it shouldnt. but does it seem that there is a issue that should be looked more into? i think so

Simply put, the main issue is that there are still females who haven't figured out that approximately 100% of males are infantile idiots, especially in an environment where they don't expect females to be present.

well i dont know what to say to that other than that is pretty much correct

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I think some people are missing Marucha's point. She's not saying she wants that user banned, but using his post as example of the comments female users receive on here. It's a big issue and has been for as long as I've been on the site.

My blog: TsalagiDragon on Wordpress

My online store: Tsalagi Dreams 

My Twitter: @Scary4Eva

I agree, to an extent. Things that purely bash woman should be moderated. It's just wrong, sexist, and ignorant. But (obvious) jokes shouldn't. And most of the time, when VGC'ers are talking about woman, it's in a joking manner.

But I do agree that other things in the highlighted area in your post should be moderated a lot heavier. I've reported someone for bashing religion (on no ground) and the post didn't even get a warning.

All in all, Mods make mistakes. Everybody has those days. Everybody knows what, what I'm talkin' 'bout.... ~

I don't really think he meant anything by that joke really. I do agree that it could be perceived as offensive though. Though maybe the mods should crackdown on some post.

RolStoppable said:
KHlover said:

If something happens (aka 1-day ban) I'll blame you XD. One user for sure would would be Rol. Some of his threads are clearly sarcastic, some of them are so close to flamebaiting that any user besides Rol would be immediately banned for them. NinjaBlade is a newcomer, but I really can't understand why he hasn't been permabanned at this point. I've seen Ethomaz turn perfectly normal threads into trainwrecks (Most recent example: KylieDog, S.T.A.G.E and VGKing most of the time seem to respond to posts in a way that's guaranteed to invoke a negative reaction, aka borderline flamebaiting (KylieDog must be the most depressive person I've never met in person)...out of my head these seem to be the most blatant "offenders"...

I own a Wii U, so I can bash it all I want.

But the funny thing is that the perception of me ranges from a troll that should be permabanned to a reasonable user who should become a moderator.


KHlover said:
It is not only our Blue Slime Rocket and it is not only PMS jokes. Certain users on this site (mostly senior members) seem to be able to get away with anything, all you will hear is along the lines of "Hurr durr, he's always been like this. That's just who he is. Deal with it."

Nowhere in my post did I imply you should be permabanned. I just think some/many of your threads would lead to a certain ban if they were made by a new/less famous user. You might remember when Man-Bear-Pig was banned for a thread which was almost a carbon-copy of yours (yours being a Mario Kart vs LBP Racing satire thread or something along these lines)? That's about the only issue I have with you.

I really like your threads, the fact that they only seem to go unpunished because they are made by you...not so much.

Scary4Eva said:
I think some people are missing Marucha's point. She's not saying she wants that user banned, but using his post as example of the comments female users receive on here. It's a big issue and has been for as long as I've been on the site.

I very rarely see female users commenting, but when they do, I've never seen them being treated poorly. You get the typical "OMG A GURL" comments, but that's relatively harmless.

Got any examples? (you can PM them to me if you don't want to name and shame)